2021-2022 Catalog and Student Handbook

Changing Courses

Students may change their course schedule electronically through the last Friday before the semester begins (extended through the first week of classes for Fall 2020). Changes made after this time require submission of notification, including advisor consent, to the Records Office. The College interprets the submission of the Course Add/Drop form or Withdrawal form or emailed request to indicate that the student understands how the requested course changes affect their progress toward the degree. Students receiving financial aid or veterans benefits must meet with the appropriate official in Financial Services.

For any physical education courses meeting less than the full length of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be prorated by the chair of the Department of Health and Physical Education. For other courses meeting fewer than the normal length of the semester, the add/drop/withdrawal periods will be pro-rated by the Registrar of the College. Students should consult the course syllabus or the Records Office for specific dates.