2020-2021 Catalog and Student Handbook

The Experiential Education Requirement

Centered in the Institutional Student Learning Outcome (ISLO) of Integrative Learning, the Experiential Education requirement -- the Pioneer TRAIL -- is a deep learning opportunity that challenges students to engage in the integrative process of experiential education. Building across the curriculum and co-curriculum, students learn to Transfer theory to practice, Reflect on the experience and its impact on their sense of self, Actively experience knowledge through application, Integrate relevant experience and academic knowledge, and foster an appreciation for Life-long learning.

Every student must successfully complete at least one (1) approved transcribed and graded experiential education component in order to graduate from Marietta College.

Students may complete the experiential education requirement in one of five areas:

International Experience

  • International Study Abroad Semester
  • International Short-Term Trips, including faculty-led trips

Research or Creative Project

  • Research—A quality research experience in which a student is involved in:
    • The formation of the research question(s) and hypothesis(es);
    • The methodological design of the research study;
    • Maneuvering through the appropriate review channels (IRB, etc.);
    • The collection, analysis, and interpretation of data;
    • A presentation of the material related to their specific project.
  • Creative Project—An applied work or an artistic creation, such as an art show, a music composition, or the writing of a play. The work should include a self-standing explanatory text.

Service Learning

  • Service learning is a form of experiential education that offers students a structured and academically rigorous way to engage in community service. Students participate in community-based projects, volunteer opportunities, or research that is integrated into course curriculum and overseen by instructors.


  • An internship is a work and learning experience shaped by reflection and goal-setting. Internships should be completed under the mentorship of an instructor or advisor and an on-site supervisor.

Leadership Development

  • Student leadership development will occur through structured and rigorous curricular and co-curricular offerings. Students will participate in leadership and/or followership roles on projects overseen by course instructors and integrated into course design and delivery. Completion of these projects includes a critical reflection that connects leadership and followership with academic content.