2020-2021 Catalog and Student Handbook

I. The Curriculum Honors Program

A. Eligibility and Application:

  1. Incoming freshmen, by application: Incoming freshmen with at least a 3.500 high school GPA and 1280 SAT or 27 ACT are invited to apply on a competitive basis for admission to the Curriculum Honors Program
  2. Current Marietta College freshmen, by application: Marietta College freshmen who will enter the sophomore year with fewer than 37 credit hours and a 3.500 or better overall GPA are eligible to apply in the spring semester prior to their sophomore year. Application is made to the Honors Program Director.
  3. Incoming transfer students, by invitation or application: Transfer students entering Marietta College with fewer than 37 credit hours may be eligible under (1) or (2) above. Inquire to the Admissions Office or the Honors Program Director.

B. Program Requirements:

  1. The course work of the Curriculum Honors Program consists of the following 15 hours taken over a two-year period, all counting towards completion of the college’s general education requirements:
    1. First semester: Honors College Experience Seminar (an honors section of PIO 101) and either Honors Literature (HONR 111) or Honors Communication (HONR 212). (6 credits)
    2. Second semester: HONR 111 or HONR 212. (3 credits)
    3. After completion of the first year: Two honors-designated courses (honors sections of 200-300 level courses enhanced to provide students with research skills). An honors fellowship (HONR 295) may substitute for one of these two courses. Honors fellowships are applied for through the Honors and Investigative Studies Committee and are intended to support creative or research projects conducted with a faculty mentor. (6 credits)
  2. To complete the Curriculum Honors Program, students must maintain an overall GPA of 3.30 (3.00 for first year freshman only). Students whose GPA falls below these levels may request readmission to the Curriculum Honors Program when their GPA returns above 3.30.