2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Academic Practices Graduate

Second Degrees

If a student pursuing a master’s degree at Marietta College holds a master’s degree from any other institution (including Marietta College), they will have to complete the total number of hours required for the second master’s degree. Previous courses can be transferred into the program that match current requirements, utilizing the policy stated under Accommodation of Transfer Credits, but additional courses will need to be taken to make up the transferred hours.

Academic Expectations for Graduate Students

Graduate Students at Marietta College are expected to maintain an overall grade point average of 3.0 with a minimum course grade of “C.” Grades below a “C” are unacceptable in a graduate program and may be cause for academic probation or dismissal. Please refer to each graduate program for specific grading requirements.

Accommodation of Transfer Credits

The Registrar’s Office determines which courses can be accepted for graduate credit. (The College’s M.S.P.A.S. program does not accept any transfer courses.) To be accepted for graduate credit, a transfer course must:

  1. Have been taken at a regionally-accredited institution with state approval for graduate courses;
  2. Be designated as a graduate course at that institution;
  3. Be similar to a course taught at Marietta College; and
  4. Have a grade of “B” or better
  5. Credit hours transferred in from an institution following a quarter or a unit system will be pro-rated to semester hours.


Students may be dismissed from a graduate program if, in the opinion of the Provost of the College and the director of the program, the student has engaged in behavior inconsistent with the values or mission of the program or the College. Please refer to each graduate program for specific policies on academic dismissal.