2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Disclaimer Notice

This Catalog reflects the curriculum, policies, program requirements, personnel, and fees and expenses at Marietta College that are effective as of Fall Semester 2019 and through the end of Summer Semester 2020.

While every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of information presented in this catalog, the College reserves the right in its discretion to change or eliminate the curriculum, policies, program requirements, personnel, and fees and expenses and other terms and provisions of this catalog without notice at any time.

This catalog is published only for informational purposes and as a guide for the convenience and benefit of students, faculty, and staff. The College expressly disclaims any liability which may otherwise be incurred. This catalog is neither a contract nor an offer to enter into a contract, and it should not be regarded as a contract between the College and any student currently enrolled or applying for admission, or any other person.

However, to the extent possible, a student who has been continuously enrolled full-time as a degree-seeking student and who has continuously made satisfactory progress towards a degree will be allowed to graduate according to graduation policies and requirements in effect during the first semester in which the student is enrolled at Marietta College and within six academic years after matriculation. See Catalog of Record in the Graduation Requirements section for more detail. 

It is the student’s responsibility to: 1) know and follow all the requirements, policies, and procedures governing the academic program being followed and to contact the academic advisor for guidance when appropriate; 2) notify the Records Office by submitting appropriate forms, concerning the addition or removal of a major, minor, or certificate from the program of study as well as any classes added, dropped, or changed on their course schedule; and 3) to review any questions or confusion concerning their curriculum requirements with the Assistant Registrar or Registrar.

Requirements will not be waived or exceptions granted because a student pleads ignorance of the requirements or asserts that an advisor or another authority did not inform the student of a requirement. In cases where there is a disagreement of interpretation of part of the curriculum requirements, the Academic Standards Committee will be the final arbiter.

The Marietta College Student Handbook is housed electronically within the College Catalog on the Marietta College website, and students are responsible for having read and abiding by all provisions in the Student Code of Conduct.