2019-2020 Catalog and Student Handbook

Associate Degrees

The associate degree option is open only to Continuing Education students. The degrees available are the Associate of Arts Degree in Business Administration and the Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts. Both degrees require 61 credit hours of course work. Credits for courses numbered below 100 do not count toward the minimum credits required for the degree. All courses taken for the associate degrees may be applied to a bachelor degree at the College. At least 15 of the last

18 credit hours for either of the degrees must be completed at Marietta College.

The course requirements for the associate degrees are:

Associate of Arts Degree in Business Administration

General Requirements (25 Hours)

WRIT 102College Composition


COMM 203Fundamentals of Oral Communication


Fine Arts

Diversity and Global Perspectives

Historical Perspectives

Scientific Inquiry with lab

Literary Analysis

Leadership and Ethics

Required concentration courses (9 Hours)

ECON 211Principles of Microeconomics


ECON 212Principles of Macroeconomics


ACCT 201Introduction to Management Accounting


Electives in Business and Economics (18 Hours)

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

Course 5

Course 6

General Electives: Any department (9 Hours)

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3

Total Credit Hours: 61

Associate of Arts Degree in Liberal Arts

General Requirements (28 Hours)

COMM 203Fundamentals of Oral Communication


Fine Arts

Diversity and Global Perspectives

Historical Perspectives

Social Analysis

Scientific Inquiry with lab

Literary Analysis

Leadership and Ethics

Area of concentration* (24 Hours)

First area (12 Hours)
Course 1

Course 2

Course 3

Course 4

Second area (6 Hours)
Course 1

Course 2

Third area (6 Hours)
Course 1

Course 2

General Electives: Any department (9 Hours)

Course 1

Course 2

Course 3

* Areas of concentration refer to areas of study within a department, e.g. psychology, business & economics, or history. The student will select three separate areas of study.

Total Credit Hours: 61