2024-2025 Traditional Undergraduate Student Handbook

Drug and Alcohol Policy

Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School educates students to think and live a Biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in church and society. We do this in a safe environment and in a way that honors God and one another. Toward that end, we ask that our students maintain a drug and alcohol-free living and learning community.

This policy is consistent with the Federal Government’s Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act of 1989.

Willing compliance with this policy should not be a burden. Rather, it reflects respect for God-appointed authority and the shared joy of living and studying among our community of believers.

Standards of Conduct

LBC will uphold the following standards regarding alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and non-prescription and illegal drugs. Standards apply from enrollment through graduation, including all breaks, for all Traditional undergraduate students living on and off campus. This includes students enrolled in 4+1 programs and graduate program students living on campus.

  • Students are not permitted to purchase, possess, distribute, or use alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, vape pens, hookah, marijuana, synthetic street drugs or any illegal drug on or off campus, regardless of whether the conduct is legal where it occurs.
  • Students are prohibited from misusing or distributing legally prescribed medication.
  • Students are not permitted to attend events or places specifically intending to engage in activities that violate the College’s standards regarding alcohol, marijuana, nonprescription and illegal drug, and tobacco use.
  • Due to the potential appearance of drug or alcohol use, students are prohibited from displaying decorative bottles, paraphernalia, and collecting or storing empty alcohol containers on campus for recycling or other purposes.
  • LBC will not tolerate students providing alcohol to those under the age of 21 regardless of the location (on/off campus, overseas, study abroad, mission trips, etc.). Such action will result in suspension or expulsion from the College.

College Sanctions

  • Students who violate the Drug and Alcohol Policy will be referred to the College Discipline and Judicial Process outlined in the Student Handbook. After an investigation, sanctions will be assigned that may include disciplinary probation, suspension, community service, educational program (including fees), parental notification, up to and including expulsion from the College.
  • Co-curricular participation may also be affected.

Legal Sanctions

  • Students are responsible to obey state and federal laws that prohibit unlawful sale, use, or possession of drugs and alcohol, and underage drinking. Any student engaged in such practices are subject to legal sanctions and penalties, in addition to any discipline levied by the College.
  • Municipal, state, and federal laws strictly outline penalties – including fines and jail terms – for the illegal use, possession or distribution of alcohol and drugs.

Health Risks

  • The use of illicit drugs and the abuse of alcohol present health risks such as addiction, acute and chronic illness, and death. Other risks associated with alcohol and drug use include physiological and psychological damage, detrimental dependencies, impaired learning, violence, injuries, accidents, drunk driving, acquaintance rape, unwanted pregnancies, and sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Students are reminded annually of the significant health risks associated with the improper use of substances mentioned above.

Treatment Programs

  • Alcohol and drug information, referral, counseling, treatment, and rehabilitation programs are available to students through a variety of on and off campus resources. Some of these services and programs are free; others are covered by insurance or based on ability to pay. Students with questions or concerns related to the use of illicit or prescription drugs or the abuse of alcohol are urged to take immediate advantage of the help that is available.
  • Students struggling with drug, tobacco, or alcohol use may obtain counseling through the Counseling & Care Center (C3) c3@lbc.edu.

Parental Notification

  • LBC reserves the right to notify the parent(s)/guardian(s) of dependent students under the age of 21 for disciplinary actions of suspension or dismissal and for violations related to alcohol or controlled substances. The College also reserves the right to contact parent(s)/ guardian(s) regarding potential drug and alcohol conduct cases when the administration believes that parental contact is in the best interest of the student and/or College.

Back to Community Standards.