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2024-2025 Capital Seminary & Graduate School Catalog
2024-2025 Capital Seminary & Graduate School Catalog > Programs of Study
Bible Exposition Certificate
Biblical Integration Certificate
Biblical Studies (MABS)
Biblical Studies (PhD)
Business Administration: Nonprofit Management (MBA)
Children and Family Ministry Certificate
Christian Apologetics (MA)
Christian Care (MACC)
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MA) - Maryland
Clinical Mental Health Counseling (MA) - Pennsylvania
Contextualized Pastoral Ministry (MACPM)
Pastoral Studies Certificate
Post Baccalaureate PDE Certification in English as a Second Language PreK-12
Divinity (MDiv)
Ministry (DMin)-FTSA
Early Childhood Education (MEd)
Educational Leadership (EdD)
English as Second Language PreK-12 (MEd)
Formational Leadership (MAFL)
Health and Physical Education (MEd)
Leadership (PhD)
Curriculum & Instruction (MEd)
Ministry (DMin)
Ministry (MAM)
Nonprofit Management (MS)
Post Baccalaureate PDE Certification in Early Childhood Education
Post Baccalaureate PDE Certification in Health and Physical Education
Professional Counseling - Pennsylvania Licensure
Professional School Counseling (MEd)
Social Work (MSW)
Special Education PreK-12 (MEd)
Sport Management (MSS)
Strategic Communication Leadership (MA)
Theology Certificate