2022-2023 Adult Education Undergraduate Catalog

Department of Church & Ministry Leadership

Cultivating Disciples. Crafting Leaders.

The Department of Church & Ministry Leadership represents a decisive strategy to train ministry leaders for the 21st century.

The department's name reflects our values. Our Savior's declaration in Matthew 16:18, "I will build my church," leaves little doubt about the primacy of the church in building the kingdom of God. Ministry is what occurs when the church gathers for worship and edification, and when the church departs to live and proclaim the gospel. The church also partners with many mission organizations to reach sub-cultures of our society. Leadership is influence! Lancaster Bible College is producing servant leaders for the church and mission organizations. By emphasizing godly character and developing leadership skills in field training, graduates are well-equipped to lead with integrity and confidence.

Department Vision
The Department of Church & Ministry Leadership is a learning community which seeks to cultivate disciples and craft leaders for an interconnected world.

Department Objectives

1. Biblical Philosophy of Ministry
The student will formulate a philosophy of ministry that is biblically-grounded, spiritually formative, and rooted in the global mission of God.

2. Spiritual Health and Leadership Integrity
The student will integrate healthy spiritual formation and leadership practices for the purpose of developing spiritual, emotional, and physical health in both their personal and professional lives.

3. Globally Minded and Innovative Partnering
The student will exhibit an understanding of partnership in our global, digital world and collaboration in the advancement of God's mission at local, regional and global levels.

4. Integrated and Reflective Practitioners
The student will engage in ongoing research, innovative thinking, and integration of truth from multiple disciplines within society for the benefit of the local and global church.

5. Leadership, Team, and Influence
The student will inculcate an understanding and praxis of servant leadership, team dynamics, self-awareness, and the dynamics of influence and power.

6. Communication and Professional Skills

The student will demonstrate effective communication and professional skills which are biblically grounded, culturally sensitive, and useful for holistic influence within our digital and global world.

Department Chair

Esther Zimmerman, PhD

Esther has been teaching full-time at Lancaster Bible College | Capital Bible Seminary & Graduate School since January 2016. Prior to that, she served for 12 years as International Children’s Ministry Director for a global mission organization while also supporting her husband in local church ministry.

Esther has been blessed with a global ministry perspective as she led a training project that extended to 60 countries. Her passion is multiplication of discipleship ministry to children in their families and communities and she continues to serve as an active member of the Global Children’s Forum.