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Reentry and Readmission to the Respiratory Care Program

Update 1/5/2024:

**Re-entry/Readmission to the Respiratory Care Program policies have changed for Spring 2024.

To review these changes, please see the Catalog Addendum. 

All information listed below this alert is related to the policy for Fall 2023. 



Re-entry/Readmission to the Respiratory Care Program

Readmission or re-entry to the Respiratory Care program is not guaranteed. In addition to what is outlined in the general readmission policy, the Respiratory Care Student Handbook states that a  student who successfully completes a respiratory care course and decides not to progress to the next course may, after approval from the Academic Review Committee, re-enter, on a space available basis, for up to one calendar year. If the student does not re-enter within one year, the student may be required to re-start the respiratory care course sequence to ensure current respiratory care knowledge and skills.

Extenuating Circumstances Policy for Respiratory Care

Repeat Course or Readmission Due to Extenuating Circumstances: Division of Arts and Sciences

  1. Students who are dismissed from the respiratory care program and wish to be considered for readmission due to extenuating circumstances will be required to submit a letter of appeal requesting readmission consideration to repeat the course or courses in which they were unsuccessful or withdrew, along with all remaining curriculum coursework.
  2. Students will be required to write an essay describing the extenuating circumstance(s) and how the event(s) impacted their ability to be successful in the respiratory care program. Complete documentation supporting the extenuating circumstance(s) (e.g., legal documents, medical documentation) must be included.
  3. The extenuating circumstance(s) must have occurred during the semester of a course failure or withdrawal. Extenuating circumstances include, but are not limited to, medical emergencies, death of spouse/parent/child, and loss of home due to circumstances beyond student’s control.
  4. A written, detailed self-evaluation and plan for success (no more than 500 words) is required.
  5. Any student requesting readmission consideration due to extenuating circumstances must submit the required documentation to the Division of Arts and Health Sciences office within 7 days from the date of receiving the letter/email.
  6. The Academic Progression Review Committee will review all documentation submitted by students requesting to return due to extenuating circumstances.
  7. Any student readmitted to the respiratory care program due to extenuating circumstances will be held to the standards, policies, and procedures of the respiratory care program at the time of readmission.
  8. Students may only submit an application for readmission for extenuating circumstances one time during their entire time at Labouré College of Healthcare.