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Available Programs of Study
Academic Calendar 2020 - 2021
Admission to the College
Upon Acceptance to the College
Student Health and Safety Requirements
Financial Aid Information
Tuition and Fees: 2020-2021
The Welcome Center
The Student Success Center (SSC)
Student Readiness and Technology Requirements
College Policies, Practices, and Student Resources
Student Rights & Responsibilities
Title IX – Sex Discrimination, Harassment and Assault
Academic Information
Academic Programs
Course Descriptions
Arts and Sciences Courses
ELEC 3000-4000
ELEC 3001
ANA - Arts and Sciences
ENG - Arts and Sciences
ETH - Arts and Sciences
HUM - Arts and Sciences
INT - Arts and Sciences
MAT - Arts and Sciences
MIC - Arts and Sciences
PSY - Arts and Sciences
SCI - Arts and Sciences
SES - Arts and Sciences
SSC - Arts and Sciences
THE - Arts and Sciences
Clinical Documentation Improvement Courses
Developmental Courses
Health Science Courses
Intraoperative Neuromonitoring IONM Courses
Medical Coding Courses
Neurodiagnostic Technology NDT Courses
Nursing Courses
Radiation Therapy Courses
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Catalog and Student Handbook 2020 - 2021
Course Descriptions
/ Arts and Sciences Courses
Arts and Sciences Courses
ELEC 3000 - 4000
Humanities, Social Science, and Natural Science Electives
ELEC 3001
Arts and Sciences Elective
ANA 1010
Anatomy & Physiology I & Lab
ANA 1120
Anatomy & Physiology II & Lab
ENG 2050
World Literature
ENG 2060
American Literature
ETH 1010
Healthcare Ethics
ETH 3000
Ethics Elective
ETH 3210
Ethical Domains & Dilemmas
HUM 1010
Introduction to Humanities
HUM 2000
Humanities Elective
HUM 3000
Humanities Elective
HUM 3010
Critical Analysis
INT 2100
Integrative Seminar I
INT 4010
Integrative Seminar II
MAT 1000
Math Elective
MAT 1020
Mathematics for the Health Sciences
MAT 3410
Essentials of Statistics
MIC 2201
Microbiology for Healthcare Professionals
PSY 1010
Introductory Psychology
PSY 2010
Human Growth & Behavior
SCI 1000
Natural Science Elective
SCI 4000
Natural Science Elective
SCI 4010
Scientific Revolutions
SCI 4020
Biology of Cancer
SES 4355
Senior Capstone
SSC 2020
Communication and Interpersonal Skills for Healthcare Professionals
SSC 3000
Social Science Elective
SSC 3020
Psychological, Social, and Physiological Effects of Trauma
SSC 3310
Intercultural Communications
THE 2000
Theology Elective
THE 2050
Religions of the World
THE 2070
THE 2090
Dying in the Human Life Cycle
THE 3010
Religion, Medicine, and Ethics