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Reapplication and Readmission to the College

Students who have previously enrolled at Labouré College and have not enrolled in Continuous Enrollment and have not completed their intended degree are welcome to return to the College. Depending on the student's official status prior to departure, time away from the College, and enrollment at other institutions during a break, a student must complete an application for admission and submit application documents and supplemental materials to be considered for re-entry into Labouré College. 

Students who have been granted Continuous Enrollment, have not taken courses elsewhere, will pursue the same major, and have not been separated from the institution for more than two semesters should contact the Registrar to complete their reactivation process. 

Students who have not been granted an official leave of absence, have taken courses elsewhere, will pursue a different major, or have been separated from the institution for more than two semesters should contact the Department of Admissions to complete a new application for admission. Official transcripts from colleges attended during the separation are required. Readmission does not guarantee registration. 

All students must be cleared by all relevant offices at the College, including but not limited to Academic Affairs, Financial Aid, Student Accounts, and Student Affairs. This may include but is not limited to a review by the Academic Progression Review Committee*, a review of any outstanding financial obligations, and a review of any student conduct violations. 

If a student leaves Labouré College and returns within five years to the same program, the student's previous progress chart will be reissued. All College policies on credit expiration will apply. The student must follow the current College Catalog and Student Handbook for course requirements and sequence in their major. 

If the student changes to a new major or returns after five years, a new progress chart is issued and the guidelines below will apply. 

  • A student who has all of their arts and sciences requirements completed when they were previously enrolled will have all current arts and sciences requirements waived
  • A student who is missing one to four arts and sciences courses from the College Catalog and Student Handbook that they entered under at Labouré College must fulfill the equivalent requirements in order to fulfill their arts and sciences requirements, or may choose to change their requirements to the current College Catalog and Student Handbook
  • All other returnees are required to fulfill the current arts and sciences requirements in accordance with the current College Catalog and Student Handbook
  • All students must follow the current College Catalog and Student Handbook for course requirements and sequence in their major
  • All College policies on credit expiration will apply


Applying for Readmission

Any student who is applying for readmission to the College, according to this policy, must submit the following documents: 

  • Application for admission
  • Official transcripts
    • If the last date of attendance was within five years, the Admissions Counselor will submit an email request to the Registrar at Labouré College for a copy of the official transcripts on file. The student must also submit any new transcripts if they enrolled at any college or university after the end of their enrollment at Labouré College. 
    • If the last date of attendance was more than five years ago, the student must resubmit all transcripts for institutions attended prior to Labouré College. The student must also submit any new transcripts if they enrolled at any college or university after the end of their enrollment at Labouré College. 
  • Labouré College transcript: the Admissions Counselor will obtain this on behalf of the student through the Registrar at Labouré
  • Supplemental materials as requested or as outlined below: 
    • If the student was dismissed from Labouré College under Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP), then they must complete and submit a SAP Appeal
    • If the student was dismissed from Labouré College, then they must also submit a letter of recommendation from an employer, supervisor, or professor
    • If the student was dismissed from Labouré College, then they must also submit a personal statement that addresses the following: 
      • Why were you dismissed from Labouré College? 
      • Why are you prepared to return to study at Labouré College now? 
      • What strategies for success will you employ if readmitted to Labouré College? 

All specific questions or concerns regarding individual students should be directed to the Admissions Department. 

*Academic Progression Review Committee is comprised of members of the program division, as well as a representative from the Welcome Center and Student Success Center.