E. Withdrawal from the College of Law

E. Withdrawal from the College of Law


(1)  Withdrawal Procedure. To withdraw from the College of Law, a student should complete the Withdrawal form, which is available through the myJU portal. The student must meet with and obtain the signatures of the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and representatives from the Office of Financial Aid and the Controller’s Office. These signatures are necessary to prove that the student has fulfilled all outstanding financial and other obligations. The student must then return the completed form to the Registrar’s Office. A withdrawal request is not complete until the completed Withdrawal form is returned to the Registrar’s Office.

(2)  Petition for Readmission. Except in administrative withdrawals, a student who withdraws after completing at least one full semester, including final examinations, may petition the Academic Standards Committee for readmission. At least four weeks before the start of the semester in which the student seeks to return, they should complete the Petition to Return form through the myJU portal. Upon completion, the Registrar, will present the petition at the next meeting of the Academic Standards Committee.. The Committee may grant, grant with conditions, or deny the petition for readmission. The Committee will use the standards outlined in the general readmissions policy. The Committee may require documents, such as a doctor’s note, that reflect the student is ready and able to return to school.

(3)  Reapplication. A student who withdraws during the first semester must re-apply as a new student to the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid. Regular deadlines for admission, and all other admissions policies will apply. Readmission is not automatic.

(4)  Returning to School. A student who does not return to the College within two years of the withdrawal risks losing all credits already earned and may be required to reapply for admission as a new student. The Academic Standards Committee has discretion to readmit a student who has been out of school for more than two years if good cause is demonstrated. Unless granted an exception by the Academic Standards Committee, a student must complete all degree requirements within six calendar years, counting all periods of leave or withdrawal.

(5)  Tuition and Fees. Normal rules regarding tuition refunds as stated in Jacksonville University’s Student Financial Services policies typically will apply. Students with scholarships should refer to the conditions contained in the scholarship notification for details on the impact on scholarships. A student can appeal to the Tuition Appeals Committee via the process outlined in Jacksonville University’s procedures.

(6)  Withdrawal Without Notification. If a student stops attending school without notifying the College of Law, or fails to return after a leave of absence, the student is subject to administrative withdrawal as of the last date of attendance and is no longer eligible for any course credit.

(7)  Financial Aid Impact. For purposes of financial aid under Title IV, a withdrawal, with or without notice, requires that a return of funds calculation be performed under Title IV. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid policy for details on the return of funds.