D. Procedures for College-Initiated Leave

D. Procedures for College-Initiated Leave of Absence


(1)           Initial Decision. The Dean or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs will make the final decision regarding whether a student will be placed on a College-Initiated Leave of Absence after consulting with other appropriate campus officials. The student will be notified about the decision immediately and in writing and will be given an opportunity to address concerns with the Dean or Associate Dean.

(2)           Appeal of College-Initiated Leave of Absence. After the College initiates a mandatory leave, the student, within three school days, may initiate an appeal in writing to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Any appeal should include an evaluation by a licensed physician, psychiatrist, or mental health clinician. The Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and/or the Dean will review the appeal and determine whether the student should be permitted to return to classes and University property. The College of Law reserves the right to request, at its own expense, a second opinion of the student’s fitness and suitability for return.

(3)           Return to School Other Than Under Appeal Process. When the student has not appealed a decision to be placed on mandatory leave, or when an appeal has been denied, a student who is ready to resume studies at the College of Law must notify the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs in writing of their intent to return for the next semester. Before being allowed to return, the student must submit a comprehensive written report from the treating professional that includes the professional’s diagnosis, treatment (including duration and response), medication, recommendations for return to the College (including any restrictions), and necessary follow-up care. These materials must be submitted at least four weeks before the start of the semester in which the student wishes to return. The College of Law reserves the right to request, at its own expense, a second opinion of the student’s fitness and suitability for return. The Associate Dean will consult with the Dean to determine whether the student may return. If the student’s request is denied, the student may request the Dean reconsider the decision on the basis of additional information that was not considered in the original decision.

(4)           Timing of Return. A student who does not return to the College within two years of the beginning of the leave of absence is subject to administrative withdrawal, risks losing all credits already earned, and may be required to reapply for admission as a new student. The Academic Standards Committee shall review the transcript of any student who has been out of school for more than two years and allowed to return without reapplying as a new student. The Academic Standards Committee will determine what credits, if any, will count toward substantive or credit-based graduation requirements. Unless granted an exception by the Academic Standards Committee, a student must complete all degree requirements within six calendar years, counting all periods of leave or withdrawal.

(5)           Relationship to Other College of Law Policies. This policy does not supersede or release a student from accountability under the Code of Conduct, Academic Integrity Policy, or other policies of the College.

(6)           Tuition and Fees. Normal rules regarding tuition refunds as stated in Jacksonville University’s Student Financial Services policies typically will apply. Students with scholarships should refer to the conditions contained in the scholarship notification for details on the impact on scholarships. A student can appeal to the Tuition Appeals Committee via the process outlined in Jacksonville University’s procedures.

(7)           Impact on Financial Aid. A student who is on a College-Initiated Leave retains in-institution status for Title IV loan repayment purposes until either the appeal period in paragraph D(2). has passed, or in the case of an appeal, the appeal is resolved. When a student retains in-institution status, no impact on financial aid occurs. If the student does not appeal a College-Initiated Leave, or if appeal is denied and the student is not allowed to return in the semester in which the leave was initiated, the leave is treated as a withdrawal for Title IV purposes. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid for details on the return of funds.