B. Eligibility and Circumstances Warranting Leave or Withdrawal

B. Eligibility and Circumstances Warranting Leave or Withdrawal


(1)           Voluntary Leave of Absence. A student may apply for a voluntary leave of absence. However, a student typically will not be eligible for a leave of absence if they are investigated for an honor or conduct code violation. Unless a student is called to active military service, a request for a leave of absence typically will not be considered during the last week of classes or the reading and examination periods. The College of Law may grant a voluntary leave only in extraordinary circumstances, and such grant shall be determined by the Dean or the Dean’s designate. When leave is for the sustained illness of a student and the student is incapacitated, leave details will be coordinated with the student’s next of kin or another person who has been designated through legal process as responsible for the student’s affairs. International students are advised that taking a Voluntary Leave of Absence may affect their student visa status; they should consult with the Registrar’s Office before seeking leave.

(2)           Military Leave of Absence. A Military Leave of Absence is available for a student who is called or ordered to active-duty service — whether voluntary or involuntary and including such service by a member of the National Guard or Reserve — in the United States Armed Forces for more than 30 days. For periods of less than 30 days, students should contact the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs to determine if appropriate accommodations can be made or whether a Leave of Absence is necessary.

(3)           College-Initiated Leave of Absence. The College of Law reserves the right to initiate a mandatory leave of absence when (a) a student presents an immediate danger to self or others by threatening and/or inflicting bodily harm to self or to others, or (b) when a student’s behavior is likely result in bodily or other substantial harm to self or others.

(4) Withdrawal. A student may withdraw from the College of Law at any time but must be in good standing. A student who is not in good standing will fall under the Dismissal policy.