A. Definitions

A. Definitions


(1)           Leave of Absence. A student on leave of absence continues to be considered a student at the College of Law but is not enrolled in classes during the semester(s) in which the student is on leave.

a.     Voluntary Leave of Absence: Except as noted in subsection (A)(1)(b), a voluntary leave of absence is a leave requested by the student.

b.     Military Leave of Absence: A military leave of absence is a leave that a student requests to fulfill military or other national-defense service obligations.

c.     College-Initiated Leave of Absence: A college-initiated leave of absence is a leave that the College of Law requires that a student take due to a potential threat to the safety or welfare of the student or other members of the College of Law community. A student who is placed on college-initiated leave will not be permitted to attend classes or to be on College of Law or University property without prior written permission from the Dean or the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs.

(2)           Withdrawal. As used in this policy, withdrawal means dropping all academic credits in a given semester or required summer session. Withdrawing from just a portion of the credits in a given semester is covered by the separate policy titled Course Withdrawals. A student who has withdrawn from the College of Law is no longer considered a student at the College of Law.

(3)           Administrative Withdrawal. As used in this policy, administrative withdrawal means action taken by the College of Law and/or the University, on its own initiative, to withdraw a student from one or more academic credits in a given semester. A student who has been administratively withdrawn from all College of Law academic credits in a given semester is no longer considered a student at the College of Law.