D. Readmission to the College of Law

D. Readmission to the College of Law

(1)           Petition for Readmission. A student may petition for readmission following dismissal by submitting a written petition for readmission to the College of Law Academic Standards Committee. In the petition, the student may include any information the student believes is relevant to the Committee’s decision but must include:

a.     information relevant to showing their capacity to complete the program of legal education and be admitted to the bar, and

b.     a plan for academic improvement.

(2)           Academic Standards Review. The College of Law Academic Standards Committee will deny the petition for readmission unless the evidence presented to the committee affirmatively shows that the dismissal does not indicate a lack of capacity to complete the program of legal education and be admitted to the bar. A student may request a meeting with the College of Law Academic Standards Committee to discuss the readmission petition. Alternatively, the Committee may require a meeting with the student. If a student fails to attend the scheduled meeting without prior notice to the Committee, and a compelling reason for missing the meeting, the student’s written petition for readmission may be denied.

(3)           Appealing the Decision. After a student’s petition for readmission has been considered and a decision has been made by the College of Law Academic Standards Committee, the petitioning student may appeal the decision to the Dean of the College of Law with seven (7) calendar days of the date of notice of the committee’s decision regarding the petition for readmission. Unless otherwise determined by the Dean, this appeal will be decided based on a review of the information considered by the committee, without further submissions or appearances. Upon reaching a decision on the appeal, the Dean will notify the petitioning student and the committee of this decision. There is no right to petition or appeal beyond the Dean of the College of Law.