B. Academic Probation

B. Academic Probation

  1. Conditions for Probation. A student will be placed on Academic Probation under the following circumstances:
    1. A student has failed to achieve a cumulative GPA above a 2.30 after attempting between 10 and 80 credit hours by the end of any semester or summer session.
    2. A student has failed in any semester, after attempting at least 30 credits, to achieve a semester GPA of least 2.0, regardless of their cumulative GPA.
    3. A student has failed in any semester, other than a summer session, to pass at least 50 percent of the credit hours attempted.
    4. A student has received an “WX” grade in two or more courses, whether earned in one semester or in different semesters.
  2. Notice. The Registrar and/or Associate Dean of Academic Affairs will notify the student of their probationary status in writing after grades for that semester or term have been posted, but failure to receive notice does not affect the student’s probationary status. Although the letter notifying a student that they are on academic probation will be placed in the student’s permanent file in the Registrar’s office, their transcript will not contain a notation regarding the academic probation.
  3. Academic Plan. A student placed on academic probation is required to meet with the Associate Dean for Academic Success within two weeks of receiving notification from the Registrar and/or Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, except that the two-week requirement may be waived by the Associate Dean for Academic Success in extraordinary circumstances. Within two weeks of that initial meeting, the student must develop an Academic Plan that is approved by the Associate Dean for Academic Success and the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. In extraordinary circumstances, as determined by the Associate Dean for Academic Success, the Associate Dean for Academic Success may extend by up to two weeks the time within which the student may gain approval of his or her Academic Plan. The Academic Plan should address at least:
    1. the courses a student intends to take for the next 30 credit hours (depending on course offerings and sequencing);
    2. reflections and details regarding exam reviews sessions had with all professors from whom the student took classes during the prior semester or term;
    3. a self-analysis of the student’s academic strengths and weaknesses;
    4. the student’s proposed plan for co-curricular activities, extra-curricular activities, and outside employment; and
    5. specific steps for the student to take during the current and following semester.

    A student who is placed on Academic Probation but fails to meet in a timely manner with the Associate Dean for Academic Success, or fails to complete in a reasonable time an acceptable Academic Plan, will be required to meet with the College of Law Academic Standards Committee to explain why the failure to successfully complete the Academic Plan should not result in dismissal from the College of Law under the procedure outlined in the Academic Dismissal Policy. Failure to attend the required meeting or to adequately explain the failure to successfully complete the Academic Plan will result in dismissal from the College of Law. The dismissal may fall mid-semester. A student who is dismissed under these circumstances will not be entitled to a tuition refund beyond the terms set forth in Jacksonville University’s Student Financial Services policies.
  4. Student Activities and Employment. A student on academic probation may not hold office in a College of Law or Jacksonville University campus student organization, participate in a co-curricular program or be employed on- or off-campus except as described in the Academic Plan.
  5. Time on Probation. A student who is placed on academic probation will remain in that status for one regular semester. A student on probation must achieve a cumulative GPA of 2.3 or higher at the end of the probationary semester to return to Academic Good Standing. If the student fails to achieve a GPA of at least 2.3 at the end of the probationary semester, they will be academically dismissed from the College of Law.
  6. Procedure for Academic Dismissal Following Probation. The Registrar shall provide the Associate Dean with the grade report for students on academic probation as quickly as is practicable after all grades for the semester are posted. If a student on probation has failed to achieve the required GPA at the end of the probationary semester, the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. The Associate Dean shall communicate the conditions of dismissal to the student and the Chair of the College of Law Academic Standards Committee within 72 hours of finalizing the review of the grade report.
  7. Readmission. Any student who is dismissed from the College of Law under this policy may seek readmission pursuant to the Readmission Policy.
  8. Transfer Students. The Academic Probation policy applies to transfer students. The credits considered will be only those earned at Jacksonville University College of Law.