A. Academic Dismissal

A. Academic Dismissal

  1. Conditions for Dismissal. A student will be academically dismissed and subject the readmission procedures under the following circumstances:
    1. A student has failed to achieve a cumulative GPA of 1.67 after attempting at least 10 credit hours.
    2. A student has failed to achieve a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 after attempting at least 30 credit hours.
    3. A student has received an “WX” grade in two consecutive semesters, or a consecutive semester and summer session, regardless of their cumulative GPA.
    4. A student has failed to make satisfactory progress under the terms of the Academic Probation policies.
  2. Transfer Students. The Academic Dismissal policy applies to transfer students. Credit hours earned at another institution do count toward the total number of credit hours attempted but they are not included in the grade point average calculation.
  3. Attending Classes. A student who receives notice of dismissal while enrolled in a class and files a petition for readmission pursuant to the Readmission policy, may attend classes and participate in student activities while the petition for readmission is pending.