Speech Intensive Requirements

Speech-intensive courses at JU are intended as practical introductions to the oral communication skills required by each respective discipline and are offered at the 200-level and above. All students must complete one three-credit hour course in speech or a speech intensive course designated by the major. Speech-intensive courses are designated "SI" in the Catalog. If the major program does not offer such a course, an SI course in a cognate discipline or COMM201SI will suffice, with approval of the college dean.

An SI course must require at least 40% of a student’s final grade derived from speech-intensive assignments. Examples of speech-intensive assignments include but are not limited to:

• Oral Presentations – individual and group, planned and impromptu, live and recorded, final presentations and rehearsals
• Interviews / Interview Preparation
• Oral Artist Statements or Personal Statements
• Teaching a class / Leading a class discussion
• Evaluated / Critiqued Class Discussions
• Recitation Assignments
• Simulations / Role Play
• Listening Quizzes

It is recommended that the course:

• Emphasize the inherent oral communication processes associated with the discipline.
• Dedicate a portion of class time to the pedagogy of oral communication.
• Familiarize students with the discipline's oral communication methods and genres.
• Provide students with feedback on their oral communication skills.
• Enroll fewer students than a comparable non-SI course (ideally capped at 18)

Suggested Learning Outcomes -- Students will demonstrate the ability to:

• Deliver organized speeches
• Provide outlines for speeches
• Analyze audiences and audience response
• Demonstrate understanding of communications principles and concepts
• Demonstrate effective listening skills
• Critique speeches competently