ORTH 540 Introduction to Clinical Orthodontics

Training in patient management procedures,�treatment and techniques. Patients are treated�in the clinical setting under strict supervision�to prepare the student for private practice. The�purpose of this course is to give the students�through the 1 year of Fellowship an introduction�of the understanding of the clinical principles�of orthodontic treatment and management of the�orthodontic patient. The course is designed to�integrate the knowledge of evidence based�diagnosis and treatment planning with clinical�management of simple assigned cases (minimum of�25 cases/per student) as well as proper patient's�charts keeping, records keeping and efficient�scheduling. The course will prepare the student�to be competent in delivering clinical care to�the orthodontic patient with simple problems�list. The majority of the cases with need for�limited or simple orthodontic correction are�expected to be assigned and completed by the�Fellows.
