MKG 371 E-Business Management

This course prepares the next generation ofbusiness managers for success in electronicbusiness. It explores the tools, skills, businessand social implications of emerging electronicbusiness. In addition to acquiring basic skillsfor identifying electronic business opportunitiesand creating a presence in the online marketplace,the student reexamines fundamental processes ofbusiness as they are performed in cyberspace incontrast to the marketplace. Topics include anintroduction to the economics of information andinformation products, the roles of e-supplychains, corporate portals and publicbusiness-to-business exchanges; e-supportservices, auctions and e-commerce security issuesand processes; the impact of e-commerce onorganizational strategy and industry structure;in-depth assessment of successful e-commercestrategies; and innovative e-commerce systems.Students have to complete an organization casestudy of e-business technology implementation andcreate a business plan for a technology venture.


