Middle East/Asia Studies Minor

The Middle East/Asia Studies minor combines interdisciplinary courses from a broad spectrum across the campus. Courses examine the cultures from a variety of perspectives from a socio-cultural perspective including regional and cultural geography, art, history, politics, the humanities and the history of mathematical and scientific contributions. The Middle East/Asia Studies minor complements many majors offered at Jacksonville University and contributes to preparation for a variety of professions in an increasingly globalized economy. Students who complete the Middle East/Asia Studies minor will have a background to understand the region in a dynamic and comparative context. It further prepares students for graduate study. Middle East/Asia Studies encompasses not only the study of the regions, but also the flows of migration, diasporas, refugees, ideas, literatures, social movements, war, and natural resources that make the region pivotal to world history and the global economy.

Students should select courses with consideration of the following:

  1. Consultation with academic advisor.
  2. University requirements for the Core Curriculum.
  3. Electives.
  4. Noting any prerequisites for individually selected courses.
  5. Making sure that special topic courses and study abroad are topic appropriate and approved in advance by the faculty member with oversight of the minor.

Minor Requirements

A Middle East/Asia Studies minor consists of the following 15 credit hours:

GEOG 301



HUM 370Non-Western Humanities



GEOG 303Geography of Middle East



HUM 350Cultu Dvrsty Arabia Midl East


Total Credit Hours:6

And three (3) additional 3-credit hour courses selected from the following list:

ARH 325Art Beyond the West


GEOG 301


GEOG 303Geography of Middle East


HUM 311Ancient Culture


HUM 350Cultu Dvrsty Arabia Midl East


HUM 370Non-Western Humanities


IS 302

IS 303Middle East


IS 320



PHIL 310East Asian Phil and Religion



RELG 310East Asian Philosophy & Relg


RELG 101


Total Credit Hours:9

Total Credit Hours: 15


GEOG 301 and IS 302 are crosslisted courses. Credit can only be awarded for one course.

GEOG 303 and IS 303 are crosslisted courses. Credit can only be awarded for one course.

Middle East/Asia Studies Minor Important Notes:

  • The minor consists of a minimum of 15 credit hours, 3 of which may include a conversational foreign language in an appropriate culture approved by the Chair of the Foreign languages Department.
  • No course taken in the Middle East/Asia Studies minor may be used to fulfill the University Language requirement. Conversational or beginning Arabic may be taken online or as transfer credit and requires approval in advance by the Chair of the Foreign Languages Department.
  • Only one (1) of the additional Geography courses can apply toward the minor.
  • Only one (1) of the additional International Studies courses can apply toward the minor.
  • There are no prerequisites courses for the minor unless required by a selected course.
  • On Study Abroad trips all courses must be approve in advance by Dr. Carole Barnett or Dr. Ray Oldakowski and be location and content appropriate for earned credit.