Class Formats

Courses are typically offered in 8-week terms. There are two (2) eight-week sessions of classes available to students in each semester, including summer. Students may select from courses offered on weeknights and some limited Saturday and online classes. Some majors may include courses that are taught only in a 15-week format.

Adult Degree Program classes are designed for the working adult to facilitate completion of a bachelor's degree. ADP classes make it possible for students to achieve full-time status (i.e., enrolled in 12 credit hours or more in a semester).

Alternative Credits - Credit for the following must be awarded before taking the final 30 credit hours at Jacksonville University:

  • Credit may be awarded by taking the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) tests, credit by examination (where available), and DSST testing.
  • Credit may also be awarded for military-sponsored courses. Please refer to the section on Alternative Credits for more information.