Credit by Examination

Any undergraduate student officially enrolled as a degree candidate at JU may request permission to receive credit by examination. Qualified students may receive college credit or exemption from some course requirements on the basis of satisfactory performance on proficiency examinations. A student may secure specific information on proficiency examinations from the office of the appropriate division chair. A student desiring to receive credit by examination must request permission in writing, using the Credit-By-Exam form available in division or Registrar’s Offices.

If an undergraduate student can demonstrate course content mastery for any course listed in the Catalog and for which an approved measuring device is available, the number of credit hours normally earned in that course will be awarded.

In authorizing a program of credit by examination, the faculty recognizes that many students have, in certain subjects, reached a college-level of education outside the classroom. This level may have been reached through correspondence study, television courses, independent study, or other nontraditional means. Course content mastery may be demonstrated in any of the following ways, singularly or in combination:

  • Standardized College Level Examination Program
  • Professor-devised examinations, as approved by the division chair
  • Other approved placement examinations taken prior to initial matriculation

The type of examination to be given will be determined by the division chair with the concurrence of the department concerned.