Disruptive Classroom Behavior Policy

Disruptive behavior is prohibited. Disruptive behavior includes but is not limited to conduct that interferes with or obstructs the teaching or learning process. Civil expression of disagreement with the course instructor, during times when the instructor permits discussion, is not itself disruptive behavior and is not prohibited.

  1. Temporary Removal of Student from Class or Other Educational Experience

    When any student, acting individually or in concert with others, obstructs or disrupts, or attempts to obstruct or disrupt any teaching, or any other activity authorized to be discharged on behalf of the University or held on the University’s premises, the student may be asked to stop the disruptive behavior by an instructor or staff of the University. If the student continues, an instructor/staff member is authorized to tell the student to leave the area or classroom and, if the student will not leave, to call Campus Security. The instructor/staff must immediately call Campus Security (904-256-7585), without prior request to the student, if presented with an unsafe situation, threatening behavior, violence, knowledge of a crime, or in other appropriate circumstances.

  2. Withdrawal of Student from Class or Other Educational Experience

    When a student disrupts a class or other educational experience, or if the student’s behavior or lack of preparation is detrimental to the educational experience of others, or if the student is compromising the learning environment, the instructor may take action to withdraw the student from the class or educational experience as a result of this significant and/or repeated behavior.

    To do this, the instructor shall:

    • Provide the student written notice of intent to withdraw the student from the class or educational experience, with an explanation of the instructor’s reason(s), and provide a copy to the instructor’s department chair (or, when there is no department chair, to the dean of the instructor’s college or school).
    • The notice should schedule a meeting with the student and the department chair (or, when there is no department chair, with the dean of the instructor’s college or school) to occur within 3 business days of the notice.
    • The instructor may bar the student from the class or educational experience pending the result of the meeting, and the written notice should advise the student if there is such a bar.
    • At the meeting, the student may have one advisor. Following the meeting, the instructor shall decide whether to withdraw the student from the class or educational experience.
    • If the student is not withdrawn, the student will be provided the opportunity to complete all assignments/exams that may have been missed.
    • If a student is withdrawn, his or her grade will be recommended by the instructor.
    • The student may appeal this decision within 3 business days in writing to the academic dean or designee.
    • During the student’s appeal, the student remains withdrawn from and is barred from attending the class. The academic dean or his/or her designee’s decision on this appeal is final.
  3. Referral to Student Life

Instructors, faculty members, academic deans, and/or department chairs are also encouraged to report student conduct issues to the Student Life office. This reporting ensures that any other student code of conduct related behavior is appropriately addressed with the student.