Graduate Catalog 2023-2024

Online Education

Online Education is conceived as formal educational process in which the major part of the instruction occurs when the student and the instructor are not in the same place at the same time. This is a planned experience in which the variety of synchronic and asynchronic technologies such as: email, videoconferences, interactive videoconference in audio and in video, and other modalities to promote learning when the student is at a different location from that of the professor. These experiences are designed to stimulate interaction and verification of learning.

Technologies and Media Used in Online Education

Inter American University has incorporated the following technologies and media into its teaching and learning process.

Interactive Videoconference

These are courses offered by the synchronic modality that consists in interactive transmission of video, voice and data. The course originates in one place with participating students in remote localities. The faculty-student and student-student interaction occurs in a simultaneous or synchronic manner. The instructor may make use of electronic presentations and other computerized materials, as well as segments of video and other educational materials. This implies previous and extensive planning and development of such materials. In addition, the prior sending of materials for each session by means of fax, Web, or Internet is required. Also, the presence of a facilitator or official in charge of the discipline (for example, a teaching assistant or graduate student in an internship) and compatible videoconference equipment are required at the remote sites.

Courses On-Line

Courses are offered through the World Wide Web. Students have computers with access to Internet where they will receive materials and send their assignments and other work. The communication and interactivity between faculty-student and student-student is attained primarily through Internet, telephone and fax. This modality requires the development of all materials and their inclusion in a Web server prior to the initiation of the course offering. If students desire to access the courses from outside the University, the Institution guarantees them remote access to information resources but students are responsible for having their own computers.

Video Courses

These are courses prerecorded in video for loan, rent or sale to online learning students. The faculty-student interaction is accomplished by telephone, fax, Internet or other means designated by the faculty.

Email Courses

These are courses for which students are given the course syllabus, course materials and an e-mail account. Students have computers with access to Internet to communicate with the instructor. The communication and interactivity between faculty-student and student-student is attained primarily by e-mail. If students desire to have access to Internet from outside the University, the Institution guarantees them remote access to information resources but it will be the responsibility of the students to have their own computer.

In summary, the combination of media and technology and their complementary use in the traditional classroom promise to enrich learning experiences at the University.