General Catalog 2024-2025

Renewable Energy Technology with Photovoltaic Systems (AA)

Program description

The Associate Degree in Applied Sciences in Renewable Energy Technology with Photovoltaic Systems contains courses that temper theoretical-practical knowledge in the area, such as alternative green energy. Renewable energies are those that are obtained from natural sources that produce energy in an inexhaustible and indefinite way. A photovoltaic system is the result of the grouping and working together of certain electrical components to achieve the transformation of solar energy into usable electrical energy. This type of renewable energy is a great reserve alternative that can be very useful in fields such as health, food, education, telecommunications, among others.

Competencies Profile of Graduates

Upon completion of the Associate of Applied Science degree in Renewable Energy Technology, the graduate of this program will be a professional capable of demonstrating the following knowledge, skills, and attitudes:


  1. Explain the solar energy capture process for the correct installation of the modules.

  2. Determine the data required during the field study for the optimal design of the solar system.

  3. Select the equipment, materials and tools used in the installation of a photovoltaic system.

  4. Produce the ideal dimensions between the capacity of the photovoltaic array, based on the capacity of the inverter and the size of the battery bank in compliance with the project requirements.

  5. Know the terminology concerning the profession.


  1. Select the appropriate places for the installation of photovoltaic systems.

  2. Prepare material, equipment and tools for the installation of a photovoltaic system.

  3. Check proper operation, after installation.

  4. Provide maintenance of equipment and connections of the installed system.


  1. Communicate to the client in an ethical and effective manner the instructions for the proper functioning and performance of the system.

Admission requirements

Students applying for admission to any of the Inter American University of Puerto Rico campuses at the undergraduate level must:

  1. Submit proof of graduation from an accredited high school with a minimum grade point average of 2.50 or its equivalent.

  2. Present the results obtained in the Aptitude and Achievement Tests in English (Aptitude and English Achievement Test) offered by the College Board. Students whose first language is English will be able to take the Scholastic Aptitude Test, while Spanish-speaking students will be able to take the Academic Aptitude Test.

  3. Obtain a minimum entrance index of 800. This is calculated in terms of the results of the exams and the high school index.

  4. All students who wish to transfer from one campus to another must comply with the admission regulations for the program they are applying for. The student will notify his intention to the Registrar's Office of the campus to which he wishes to transfer. The Registrar's Office must verify that the student has no restrictions in the system, such as incomplete documents or others in order to complete the transfer.

  5. All candidates for admission by transfer from another university or college must file an application for this purpose. The student must request at the Registrar's office of the university or college of origin that a copy of their official credit transcript be sent to the corresponding Admissions Office of the Inter-American University. A student who meets the following will be considered a candidate for admission by transfer:

    1. Have approved at another accredited institution at least 12 credits with a grade of C or higher, except in academic programs that establish different requirements, in which case they must be met.

    2. Not be suspended for disciplinary reasons in the educational institution of origin.

    3. Submit an updated vaccination certificate if you are under 21 years of age.

Retention requirements

  1. Comply with the Standard of Satisfactory Academic Progress for undergraduate programs, established in the General Catalog of the University.

Graduation requirements

  1. Students must meet the general graduation requirements and achieve a minimum general and concentration average of 2.50.

  2. They must pass all concentration courses with a minimum grade of C, except practice in which a grade of A or B will be required.


General Education Requirements

24 credits

Concentration Requirements

40 credits


64 credits



General Education Requirements - 24 credits

Twenty-four (24) credits are required as established in the General Catalog in the General Education Requirements section for Associate Degrees. Students will take:



GESP Spanish - Select 6 credits from the GESP category


GEEN English - Select 6 credits from the GEEN category


GEP-GEMA 1200Fundamentals of Algebra


GEP-GECF 1010Introduction to the Christian Faith


GEP-GEIC 1010Information and Computing Technologies


GEP-GEEC 2000Entrepreneurial Culture


Major Requirements - 40 credits


REPS 1100Introduction to Renewable Energies


REPS 2100Technical Drawing


REPS 2300Solar Energy System Components


REPS 2400Design and Dimensionig of Solar Energy Systems


REPS 2910Practice


ELEC 1120Industrial Safety


ELEC 2331Electrical Circuits Laboratory I


ELEC 2332Electrical Circuits Laboratory II


ELEC 2341Electric Circuits I


ELEC 2342Electrical Circuits II


COTN 1131Electronics I


PHYS 3001General Physics I


MATH 1500Precalculus


BADM 1900Fundamentals of Business Management