Technical Certificate Programs Catalog 2023-2024

Course Codification System

This system consists of a four-letter alphabetical section where the first letter is C. The following three letters respond to one of the following criteria:

  1. Core Program:

    Designed to strengthen skills in the areas of Spanish, English, mathematics, computers and other general area of knowledge necessary for the greatest benefit from the certificate. These courses have the abbreviation CMED and a numerical part where (0) as the first digit indicates a course at the certificate level, the second digit suggests the sequence of the course in the subject, the third digit indicates the subject and the fourth establishes the continuity of the course. The values of the subjects are: (1) Spanish; (2) English; (3) mathematics; (4) computers; and (5) other subjects.

  2. Study Programs:

    Courses of the study program where the letters that accompany the C identify the Certificate. The numerical section of four digits identifies the level of the course and the sequence in which they are taken, in the case where this exists. The first digit (0) identifies courses at the certificate level. The second digit is used to suggest the level or academic term in which the course will be taken. The third digit suggests the sequence of the course in the academic term and the fourth may indicate if the course has a continuation.

  3. Seminars, Practices and Internships:

    Together with the alphabetical section that indicates the certificate, the numerical combination identifies the supervised internships or practices with 0291, and seminars with 0297.