General Catalog 2023-2024

Adult Student Services

The adult population presents characteristics, needs and interests different from the regular traditional population. The campuses will provide the professional counseling services and the academic advisement that responds best to the realities of this population. Newly admitted students will have interviewing services available as well as orientation by a professional counselor or by the person in charge of the AVANCE Program, in order to identify their needs and priorities and to refer them to the programs and services that will facilitate their integration to university life. Following are the norms that will be observed in the administration of these services.

  1. Orientation

    Orientation is the link between the promotion and admissions processes, curricular development and the academic offerings and is therefore an essential component of the Program. The campuses will offer the professional counseling services to the adults, at their most convenient daily and hourly schedules.

  2. Academic Advisement

    The campuses will offer the services of academic advisement to the adults, through available means and at their most convenient daily and hourly schedules.

  3. Schedule of Services

    In order to take care of their needs properly, an effective strategic planning is required in all campuses with regard to personnel use. In this way, services of optimal quality in teaching and academic management will be guaranteed, as well as in the offices of the Registrar, Bursar, Financial Aid, Orientation, Admissions and others.

  4. Academic Calendars

    Courses may be taken in the calendars established by the campuses for the regular terms, the summer sessions and the special sessions of October and March.

    Students, who have registered in the terms beginning in August or January, may complete or increase their academic load by adding courses in other sessions or terms, even though they may be studying simultaneously in two academic sessions, provided they do not exceed the amount of credits approved by their academic adviser.