Graduate Catalog 2021-2022

Responsible Conduct in Research Projects

Any student registered in courses that require carrying out research projects or who works in a research project must comply with the laws, regulation and policies applicable to that activity. The student must take the training required by the Institution and by the applicable state and federal regulations, in harmony with the type of research project.

Institutional Review Board (IRB)

The IRB is responsible for seeing to it that the University complies with the state and federal laws and regulations, as well as with the applicable institutional norms and procedures for the protection and rights of the human beings who participate in these projects.

Once a student completes the required training, and before beginning research activities with human beings, such as their identification, recruitment, or the acquisition of information about the participants, and before contacting them and requiring their participation in the project, the student must obtain the approval of the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

Responsible Conduct in Research Projects (RCR)

Any student who works in research projects supported with external resources, or who collaborates as a research assistant to a professor in charge of a research project supported with external funds, must take the training related to responsible conduct in research required by the University and the applicable federal regulations. In addition, the student must provide evidence of having approved these trainings.

Other Research Projects

Research projects that do not involve human beings must also present evidence of compliance with institutional norms and the applicable state and federal regulations.