General Catalog 2021-2022

Institutional Codes, CIP Code, and Program Length

The following table presents the undergraduate programs authorized by the Board of Postsecondary Institutions of Puerto Rico with the code assigned by the University to identify the academic programs and minors. It also includes the Classification of Instructional Programs or CIP Code, according to the taxonomic scheme of the U.S. Department of Education and the program length in years. The program length is calculated by taking into consideration a complete academic load of 30 credits per academic year with satisfactory academic progress in the study program.

Academic Program IAUPR Code CIP Code Program Length in Years
Associates, Bachelors, and Minors
Accounting (AAS) 060 52.0301 2
Accounting (BBA) 166 52.0301 5
   Minor in CPA Track 166G - -
   Minor in Financial  Accounting 166F - -
   Minor in Internal Auditing 166I     
   Minor in Taxes 166T - -
Agricultural Technology (AAS) A452 01.0308 2
Agronomy (BSA)  B817 01.0308  4
Airway Sciences (BS)
   Aircraft Systems Management (Professional Pilot) 155 49.0199 4
   Aviation Sciences Management 152 49.0104 4
      Minor in Air Traffic Control 152T - -
      Minor in Airway Dispatcher 152A - -
      Minor in Aviation Management 152M - -
      Minor in Commercial Pilot 151M - -
Animal Science with Pre-Veterinary B535 01-1302 4
Applications Development (BS) B525 11.0899 5
   Minor in Applications Development 525M - -
Applied Chemistry
   Biochemistry B528 40.0599 5
   Forensic Chemistry B530 40.0510 5
   Nanotechnology B529 40.0599 5
   Minor in Biochemistry 528M - -
   Minor in Forensic Chemistry 530M - -
   Minor in Nanotechnology 529M - -
Audio Production and Postproduction (AAS) A456 10.0203 2
Biology (BS) 180 26.0101 5
   Minor in Biology 180B - -
   Minor in Biology for Chemistry    Students  180Q  - -
   Minor in Premedical 180P - -
   Minor in Pre-Veterinary 180V - -
Biomedical Sciences (BS) 263 26.0102 4
Biopsychology (BS) B524 30.1001 4
   Minor in Biopsychology 524M - -
Biotechnology (AAS) A451 26.1201 3
Biotechnology (BS) 258 26.1201 5
   Minor in Agricultural Biotechnology 451M - -
   Minor in Biotechnology 258M - -
   Minor in Marine Biotechnology 258A  - -
Business Administration (AAS) 058 52.0201 2
Cardio-Respiratory Care (AAS) 091C 51.0915 3
Chemistry (BS) 132 40.0501 5
   Minor in Chemistry 132M - -
Commercial Pilot (AAS) A455 49.0102 2
Communications (AA) 071C 09.0100 2
Communication in Media Production (BS) 280 10.0105 5
   Minor in Photography 280M - -
   Minor in Social Networks Management 121M -  
Communications in Public Relations and Advertising (BA) 235 09.0902 4
   Minor in Advertising 235A - -
   Minor in Communications 235M - -
   Minor in Public Relations 235P - -
Computer Science (AAS) 054 11.0701 2
Computer Science (BS) 120 11.0701 5
   Minor in Computer Science 102S - -
   Minor in Computer Networks 120A - -
   Minor in Mobile Device Programming 120P - -
Computer Technology and Networks (AAS) A453 47.0104 3
Computer Technology and Networks (BS) B523 47.0104 5
   Minor in Computer Network Technology 453M - -
   Minor in Network Security B53M - -
Corporate Communication (BA) 289 52.0501 4
Criminal Investigation (AA) A251 43.0104 2
Criminal Justice (AA) 095 43.0199 2
Criminal Justice (BA)
   Criminal Investigation 194 43.0104 4
   Cyber Crime Investigation B004 43.0116 4
   Forensic Investigation 194B 43.0111 4
      Minor in Criminal Investigation 194M - -
      Minor in Forensic Investigation 94BM - -
      Minor in Penology 194P - -
Culinary Arts and Gastronomic Sciences (AA) A252 12.0509 2
Culinary Arts and Gastronomic Sciences (BA) B003 12.0599 4
Cultural Management and Ecotourism (AA) A257 03.0207 2
Design (BA) 283 50.0401 4
Design and Development of Video-Games (BS) 285 50.0411 5
   Minor in Design and Development of Video-Games 120C - -
Digital Graphic Design and Multimedia (BS) 291 50.0409 4
   Minor in Digital Graphic Design and Multimedia M291 - -
Education (Teacher Education) (BA)
   Early Childhood Education
      Early Childhood: Pre-School Level 243 13.1209 4
      Early Childhood: Elementary Primary Level (K-3) 236 13.1202 4
      Early Childhood: Elementary Primary Level (4-6) 237 13.1202 4
      Elementary Education in Special Education 231 13.1015 5
   Physical Education
      Adapted Physical Education 207 13.1099 5
      Physical Education at the Elementary Level 178 13.1314 5
      Physical Education at the Secondary Level 176 13.1314 5
   Secondary Education
      Biology 174 13.1322 5
      Chemistry 187 13.1323 5
      History 144 13.1328 5
      Mathematics 128 13.1311 5
      Social Studies 177 13.1318 4
      Spanish 145 13.1330 5
   Special Education
      Interdisciplinary Special Education (PK-12) 290 13.1099 4
      Special Education 136 13.1001 4
      Special Education in Autism 277 13.1013 5
      Special Education in the Deaf and Partially Deaf 282 13.1003 5
   Teaching of English as a Second Language
      Teaching of English as a Second Language at the Elementary Level 206 13.1401 4
      Teaching of English as a Second Language at the Secondary Level 147 13.1401 4
   Minors in Education
      Minor in Adapted Physical Education 207M - -
      Minor in Early Childhood Education Preschool Level 243M - -
      Minor in Early Childhood Education Elementary Level K-3 236M - -
      Minor in Early Childhood Education Elementary Level (4-6) 237M - -
      Minor in Education 296M - -
      Minor in Education in Teaching English as a Second Language in Elementary Level 206M - -
      Minor in Education in Teaching English as a Second Language in Secondary Level 147M - -
      Minor in Elementary Education in Special Education 231M - -
      Minor in Interdisciplinary Special Education (PK-12)  290M  - -
      Minor in Physical Education Elementary Level 178M - -
      Minor in Religion and Education 088M - -
      Minor in School Health Education 267M - -
      Minor in School Social Work 118A - -
      Minor in Secondary Education in Biology 174M - -
      Minor in Secondary Education in Mathematics 128M - -
      Minor in Secondary Education in Social Studies 177M - -
      Minor in Secondary Education in Spanish 145M - -
      Minor in Special Education 136M - -
      Minor in Special Education in Autism 277M - -
      Minor in Special Education in the Deaf and Partially Deaf 282M - -
Electronic Engineering Technology (AS) A651 15.0303 3
Electronic Engineering Technology (BS) B521 15.0303 4
   Minor in Electronic Engineering Technology 266M - -
Engineering (BS)
   Pre-Engineering 245 14.0101 N/A
   Architectural Engineering B256 14.0401 4
   Minor in Architectural Engineering 526M - -
   Computer Engineering (BS) 272 15.1299 4
   Minor in Hardware Systems and Integrated Systems 272M - -
   Minor in Software Systems 272S - -
   Electrical Engineering (BS) 216 14.1001 4
   Minor in Communication Systems 216I - -
   Minor in Electric Systems 216S - -
   Minor in Power and Energy Systems Engineering 216D - -
   Minor in Systems Engineering Control, Robotics and Automation 216M - -
   Industrial Engineering (BS) 217 14.3501 4
   Minor in Logistics and Operations Research 217A - -
   Minor in Quality Systems 217B - -
   Mechanical Engineering (BS) 218 14.1901 4
   Minor in Aerospace Engineering 218M - -
English (BA) 141 23.0101 4
   Minor in Bilingual Oral and Written Communication 265B - -
   Minor in Oral and Written Communication 265A - -
Entrepreneurial and Management Development (BBA) 275 52.0701 4
   Minor in Electronic Commerce 275M - -
   Minor in Entrepreneurialship 275A - -
   Minor in Entreprenurial and Management 275G - -
   Minor in Music Business Management 063M - -
   Minor in Public Management 127M - -
Environmental Sciences (BS) 241 03.0104 5
   Minor in Environmental Sciences 241A - -
Environmental Technology (BS) 229 15.0599 5
Finance (BBA) 222 52.0801 4
   Minor in Finance 222F - -
   Minor in Insurance 222M - -
   Minor in Real Estate 288M - -
Fine Arts (BA)
   Ceramics B811 50.0711 4
   Drawing B812 50.0705 4
   Sculpture B813 50.0709 4
   Photography B814 50.0605 4
   Printmaking B815 50.0710 4
   Painting B816 50.0605 4
   Teaching Art 254 13.1302 5
Forensic Biology (BS) 294 26.9999 5
   Minor in Forensic Biology 294M  - -
Forensic Informatics (BS) B002 03.0104 4
Forensic Science (BS) 262 43.0106 4
   Minor in Biology for Forensic Science 252M - -
   Minor in Forensic Science 262A - -
General Business Administration (BBA) 121 52.0201 4
General Studies (AA) A254 24.0102 2
Graphic Design (AVA) 075 50.0409 2
Graphic Design (BVA) B001 50.0409 4
Health Sciences (BS)
   Administration 255 51.2211 5
   Education 260 51.2207 5
Health Services Administration B251 51.0702 4
History (BA) 109 54.0101 4
   Minor in History 109A - -
   Minor in Puerto Rican History and Literature 109B - -
Hotel and Restaurant Management (BBA) 227R 52.0904 5
   Minor in Hotel and Restaurant Management 227M - -
Human Resources Management (BBA) 214 52.1001 4
   Minor in Human Resources Management 214M - -
Humanities Studies (BA) 137 24.0103 4
Industrial Chemistry (BS) 259 40.0599 5
   Minor in Agricultural Chemistry 259B - -
   Minor in Industrial Chemistry 259A - -
   Minor in Chemistry 132M - -
Information Technology (BBA) 287 11.0103 5
Institutional Chaplaincy (AA) 088I 39.0701 2
Managerial Economics (BBA) 167 52.0601 4
   Minor in Managerial Economics 167M - -
Marine Sciences (BS) B522 26.1302 4
   Minor in Marine Sciences 180M - -
Marketing (BBA) 149 52.1401 4
   Minor in Communications and Public Relations 149M - -
   Minor in Insurance Sales 149C - -
   Minor in Marketing 149F - -
   Minor in Sales 149S - -
   Minor in Social Networks Management 121M _  
   Minor in Sport Marketing 149B - -
 Marketing for Digital Media (BBA) B253 09.0702 4
Mathematics (BA) 111 27.0101 4
   Minor in Statistics 111E -
Mathematics (BS) 210 27.0101 4
Medical Emergencies (AS) A457 51.0904 2
Medical Emergencies (BS) B527 51.0904 4
Medical Sonography in Cardiovascular Sonography (BS) 284 51.0901 5
   Minor in Skeletal Muscle Sonography 273A - -
Medical Technology (BS) 165 51.1005 5
Microbiology (BS) 268 26.0502 5
   Minor in Microbiology 268M - -
Modern Language B005 16.0101 4
Multidisciplinary Studies (AA) A253 30.9999 4
Multidisciplinary Studies (BA) 292 30.9999 4
   Minor in Multidisciplinary Studies 292A - -
Music (BA) 112 50.0903 4
Music (BM)
   Applied Music 190 50.0903 4
   Music Education: General - Vocal 192 13.1312 5
   Music Education: Instrumental 191 13.1312 5
   Minor in Music 190A - -
   Minor in Music History 190B - -
   Minor in Music Theory 190C - -
Music Business Management (A) 063A 50.1003 2
Music Enterprises Management (BBA) B252 50.1003 4
Natural Sciences (BS) 293 30.1801 4
Networks and Telecommunications (BS) 269 11.0901 4
   Minor in Networks and Telecommunications 269M  - -
Nursing (AAS) 061 51.3901 2
Nursing (BSN) 150 51.3801 4
   Minor in Gerontology for Nursing 150M - -
   Minor in Management for Nursing 212M - -
Occupational Therapy (AS) 061B 51.0803 3
Office Systems Management (AA) 090 52.0204 2
Office Systems Management (BA) 249 52.0204 4
   Minor in Administration of Electronic Medical Records 249R - -
   Minor in Office Systems Management 249M - -
Operations Management of Manufacturing and Services (BBA) B254 52.0205 4
   Minor in Operations Management of Manufacturing and Services B25M - -
Optical Sciences Technology (AAS) 089 51.1802 3
Pharmacy Technician (AAS) 092 51.0805 3
Photography (A) 097 50.0605 2
Physical Therapist Assistance (AS) 061P 51.0806 3
Police Science (AA) 095P 43.0107 2
Political Science (BA) 114 45.1001 4
   Minor in Government Management 114N - -
   Minor in Human and Civil Rights 114H - -
   Minor in International Relations 114M - -
   Minor in Legal Affairs 114L - -
   Minor in Political Science 114P - -
Popular Music (A) 087 50.0903 3
Popular Music (BA) 232 50.0903 4
   Minor in Anthropology and History of Music 232A - -
   Minor in Contemporary Dance Music 232B - -
   Minor in Performing Arts 232C - -
   Minor in Sacred Music 232M - -
Psychology (BA) 115 42.0101 4
   Minor in Community Psychology 115C - -
   Minor in General Psychology 115G - -
   Minor Intervention and Stabilization of Clients in Crisis Situations 115M - -
   Minor in Psychology 115P - -
   Minor in Psychology and Labor Affairs 115L - -
   Minor in Psychology and Mental Health 115H - -
   Minor in School Psychology 115S - -
Radiological Sciences in Computerized Tomography and Magnetic Resonance (BS) 273 51.0911 5
   Minor in Skeletal Muscle Sonography 273A - -
Radiological Technology (AAS) 073 51.0907 3
Radiological Technology in Mammography and Angiography (BS) 274 51.0911 5
Real Estate (BBA) 288 52.1501 4
   Minor in Real Estate 288M - -
Recreation for Elderly Persons (AA) A255 51.0001 2
Restaurant and Food Services Administration (AAS) 058F 19.0505 2
Social Sciences (BA) 119 45.0101 4
Social Work (BA) 118 44.0701 4
   Minor in Gerontology for Social Work 118M - -
Spanish (BA) 107 16.0905 4
   Minor in Bilingual Oral and Written Communication 107C - -
   Minor in Oral and Written Communication 107B - -
   Minor in Spanish 107A - -
   Minor in Strategic Languages 107M - -
Special Education Services Assistant (AA) A256 13.1099 2
Speech and Language Therapy (BS) 281 51.0203 4
Sports and Fitness Management (BA) 278 31.0504 4
Sports Technology (BA) 189 31.0504 4
   Minor in Coaching and Sports Physical Training 189M - -
Studies in Religion (AA) 088 38.0201 3
Studies in Religion (BA) 239 38.0201 4
   Minor in Biblical Studies 239B - -
   Minor in Practical Theology 239M - -
   Tourist Guide (AAS) 081 52.1905 2
   Tourism Management (BBA) 279 52.0903 4
Toxicology (BS) B531 26.1004 4
   Minor in Toxicology 531M - -
Veterinary Technician (AAS) A454 51.0808 2
Veterinary Technology (BS) B533 01.8301 4
Veterinary Technology with Pre-Veterinary (BS) B532 01.1302 2
Videogames and Mobile Applications A458 50.0411 4
Professional Certificates
Entrepreneurial Development (Professional Post-Associate Certificate) 058A 52.0701 -
Medical Technology (Professional Post-Bachelor’s Degree) 135 51.1005 -
Online Education: Associates and Bachelors
Accounting (AAS) 060D 52.0301 2
Biology (BS) 180D 26.0101 4
Business Administration (AAS) 093 52.0201 2
Computer Science (AAS) 054D 11.0701 2
Computer Science (BS) 120D 11.0701 5
Criminal Justice: Criminal Investigation (BA) 194A 43.0104 4
   Minor in Criminal Investigation 194M  - -
Criminology (BSS) 143D 45.0401 4
   Minor in Criminology 143M - -
Education (Teacher Education) (BA)
   Early Childhood: Pre-School Level 243D 13.1209 4
   Early Childhood: Elementary Primary Level (K-3) 236D 13.1202 4
   Early Childhood: Elementary Primary Level (4-6) 237D 13.1202 4
   School Health 267D 13.1299 4
   Secondary Education: Spanish 145D 13.1330 5
   Special Education 136D 13.1001 4
   Teach English as a Second Language at the Secondary Level 147D 13.1401 4
Entrepreneurial and Management Development (BBA) 275D 52.0701 4
Finance (BBA) 222 52.0801 4
   Minor in Finance 222F -
   Minor in Real Estate 288M  - -
Forensic Informatics (AAS) A45D 11.1003 2
Human Resources Management (BBA) 214A 52.1001 4
Information Technology (BBA) 287D 11.0103 5
   Minor in Information Technology 287M

International Business (BBA) 233D 52.1101 5
   Minor in International Business 233M

Management and Organizational Innovation (BBA) 253D 52.0201 4
   Minor in Management and Organizational Innovation 253M

Mathematics (BA) 111D 27.0101 4
Marketing (BBA) 149A 52.1401 5
   Minor in Marketing 149F - -
   Minor in Sales 149S - -
Marketing for Digital Media (BBA)  B52D 09.0702
Office Systems Management (AA) 090A 52.0204 2
Office Systems Management (BA) 249A 52.0204 4
   Minor in Administration of Electronic Medical Records 249R - -
   Minor in Office Systems Management 249M - -
Operations Management of Manufacturing and Services (BBA) B50D 52.0205 4
   Minor in Operations Management of Manufacturing and Services 286M - -
Psychology (BA) 115D 42.0101 4
   Minor in Psychology 115P - -
Sales (AAS) 098D 52.1899 2
Security Management (BS) B52D 11.1003 4
   Minor in Security Management 52DM

Social Work (BA) 118D 44-0701 4
Studies in Religion (AA) 088D 38.0201 3
Studies in Religion (BA) 239D 38.0201 4
   Minor in Biblical Studies 239B - -
   Minor in Practical Theology 239M - -
 Online Education: Professional Certificates
 Entrepreneurial Development (Professional Post-Associate Certificate) 058D