Master of Business Administration in Sport Business, MBA.SPBS

Dr. Jennifer Plantier , Program Director

Hardin-Simmons University offers a specialized, non-thesis MBA for those interested in the business of sports. The objective of this program is to provide students with an emphasis in the business aspects of managing professional athletes and major/minor league facilities. To truly understand the strength of a sport business program, students need to be exposed to a qualified core of business courses. The program follows the same program admission requirements, EAGL consideration, graduation requirements, comprehensive examination, and program timing as the general MBA.

The MBA in Sport Business is a fully online program to provide students with needed flexibility in completing course work.


By action of the Graduate Council and graduate faculty, all students must have a minimum of 50% of their curriculum in 6000 level courses.


Complete the following:

Foundational Business Courses

BSAD 6310Issues in Management and Marketing


BSAD 6311Business Reporting and Finance


ISCI 6320Advanced Business Analytics


BSAD 6330Legal and Ethical Issues in Business


ECON 6330Economic Analysis


BSAD 6310: waived for students with BBA

BSAD 6330: waived for students with BBA

ECON 6330: waived for students with BBA

Core Business Courses

ACCT 6311Managerial Accounting


BSAD 6322Quantitative Research Methods


MGMT 6351Organizational Behavior


FINA 6341Financial Management


MKTG 6364Marketing Strategy


MGMT 6357Management Strategy



BSAD 6355Entrepreneurial Strategy


Sport Business Core (9 Credits)

Sport Business Elective (3 Credits)

Comprehensive Exam (0 credits)

Total Credit Hours: 45

For a student with an undergraduate degree in business, up to nine hours of foundational coursework may be waived: BSAD 6310, BSAD 6330, and ECON 6330. Some students without an undergraduate degree in business may have completed some business course work or have extensive experience in various areas of business. The program director may waive one or more foundational courses or substitute electives as deemed appropriate.

Sport Business Core

KSPR 6307 Organization and Administration of Athletics (3-3-0)

A thorough study of the organization and management techniques of athletic programs. Topics include the role of athletics in education as indicated in purposes, administrative regulations, management techniques, procedural policies, legal liabilities, facility maintenance, and financial management.

KSPR 6314 Governing Agencies & the Law of Sport & Recreation (3-3-0)

An overview study of the governing agencies related to the administration and control of athletic competition and recreational services. Offers an analysis of major fundamental legal problems and issues confronting the sports & recreation professions, especially in the area of risk management.

KSPR 6315 Facilities Design and Management (3-3-0)

An examination of the principles and applications of sport and recreation management planning, designing, constructing, and maintaining indoor and outdoor athletic and recreational facilities. Students are exposed to facility operations and event management. Course includes travel lab.

Sport Business Electives

KSPR 6308 Global Sport (3-3-0)

Designed to provide insights and background into the lifestyles, values, and aspirations of various cultural backgrounds and countries around the world related to recreation and sport.

KSPR 6357 Fitness Management (3-3-0)
An in-depth analysis of the fitness field. Addresses multiple content areas such as facility design, instruction techniques, program designs, personal training, and exercise prescription for various populations.