Honors and Awards

Hemphill Graduate Honor Award

The HSU Graduate School recognizes the outstanding master’s/doctorate candidate at the May commencement exercises with the Hemphill Graduate Honor Award. This award recognizes the graduate who has excelled in his/her academic studies, possesses character and behavior consistent with the university’s purpose, and exhibits potential for significant contribution to his/her chosen field. The recipient is selected by the Graduate Council. This award has been endowed by the late Dr. Lee Hemphill and the late Mrs. Lunelle Nix Hemphill. Dr. Hemphill served as vice president of development and was a vice president emeritus.

Graduate Award of Excellence

The HSU Graduate School recognizes an outstanding graduate candidate at the December commencement exercises with the Graduate Award of Excellence. This award recognizes the graduate who has excelled in his/her academic studies, possesses character and behavior consistent with the university’s purpose, and exhibits potential for significant contribution to his/her chosen field. A committee of graduate program directors selects the recipient. This award is funded by an anonymous endowment.