Application for Graduation

The deadline for filing Application for Graduation in the Registrar’s Office is listed in the Academic Calendar in the front of this catalog. Students filing a Application for Graduation after this date will be charged a late fee. It is to the student’s benefit to file the Application for Graduation at least one semester prior to the semester the student plans to graduate. A degree audit will be made after the Application for Graduation is received and the student will receive a letter indicating graduation requirements needed. The student should inform the Graduation Coordinator if his/her graduation date changes one month before graduation.


The deadline for chapel credits to be completed and reported to the Registrar’s Office is April 15th for Spring, July 15th for Summer, and November 15th for Fall graduation.  Failure to meet this deadline, as well as failure to file your Application for Graduation, will incur the following fees and no guarantee of name being in the program: (See the University calendar for deadlines for submission of the Application for Graduation.)


 After the published deadline through April 15  $25.00

 After April 15



After the published deadline through July 15 $25.00
After July 15 $100.00


After the published deadline through Nov. 15 $25.00

After Nov. 15
