Higher Education and Student Affairs, M.Ed.

Dr. Renee Collins, Program Director

Admission Criteria

Applicants for the Master of Education degree must hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university, with a minimum of 3.0 GPA in all upper-level course work (junior or senior level courses) or a minimum of 2.75 cumulative GPA in undergraduate work. Admission to the program requires the program director’s endorsement, which will be based on evaluation of the following elements:

1. Completed application to HSU Graduate School

2. Two letters of recommendation from professionals familiar with your professional and/or academic work.

3. Provide a quality sample of scholarly or critical writing

Departmental Endorsement

Admission to the program requires review and recommendation by the director of the program via a personal interview. All undergraduate prerequisites and/or transfer work must be approved by the director of the program and the dean of the school or college that houses the academic program.


Note: By action of the Graduate Council and graduate faculty, all students must have a minimum of 50% of their curriculum in 6000 level courses.


Students majoring in Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) will complete the 30 hours listed below.

Year 1

Fall I (online)

EDSA 6310Foundation of Student Affairs in Higher


Fall II (online)

EDSA 6320College Student Development Theory


Spring I (online)

EDUC 6301Intro to Research Techniques


Spring II (online)

EDSA 6325Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Educa


Summer I (online)

EDSA 6340Organizational Leadership Models & Human


Summer II (online)

EDSA 6350Equity and Diversity in Higher Education


Year 2

Fall (internship)

EDSA 6380Practicum I in Higher Education


Fall I (online)

EDSA 6335Higher Education Legal and Ethical Respo


Spring (internship)

EDSA 6381Practicum II in Higher Education


Spring I (online)

EDSA 6365Trends in Higher Education


Total Credit Hours: 30

Graduation Requirements

Successful completion of the 30 graduate semester hour academic requirements, which includes the fall and spring internship (EDSA 6380/EDSA 6381), successful completion of an oral comprehensive exam during the last semester of course work. The content of the exam will be determined by the comprehensive exam committee comprised of three faculty members recommended by the program director. Successful completion of a competency digital portfolio that supports the 10 Competencies within The Joint Task Force on Professional Competencies and Standards with evidence of synthesizing, analyzing, and evaluating the Higher Education and Student Affairs program.

Time Limit

All requirements for the Master of Education degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs program must be completed within five years from the semester of initial admission.