
The University Libraries

The Rupert and Pauline Richardson Library and the Smith Music Library serve as resource centers for the educational program by providing the materials, databases, and services necessary to support the curriculum of the University. The libraries maintain a robust website with databases, print and e-books, subject guides, “how to” videos, contact information and service hours, which are easily available. Librarians, who have extensive professional expertise, are available in the library, by phone 325-670-1578, online, and via email at

Library Resources

The Hardin-Simmons University Libraries’ online catalog and databases are available 24/7 from the university webpage. The library’s discovery tool Research Roundup simplifies searching by providing a one-step process. HSU libraries provide access to over 200,000 physical items, 48,000 full-text journals and 275,000 electronic books. HSU’s membership in the Abilene Library Consortium adds access to over 2 million items; and TexShare resources are available from across the state and an interlibrary loan service to request materials from around the world.


The libraries provide computers in collaborative and single user settings as well as networked and wireless printers in color and black and white, wireless connectivity, scanners, projectors, photocopiers, lamination services and telefax.

Graduate Students

Check out period on HSU items is one month with a current HSU ID.