Refund Policy

Tuition and Fees Refund Policy

Separation from HSU due to suspension or expulsion are not eligible for refund.

Individual Courses Dropped

Registration with the University is considered a contract binding students for charges for the entire semester. No refunds will be made on individual courses dropped after the closing date of official registration each semester.

Credit Balance

Refunds will be processed automatically throughout the semester; however, a student may request a refund from the Business Office after aid has posted and his or her total account balance indicates a credit balance.

Withdrawal from the University (Dropping All Classes)

The following refunds will be made upon complete withdrawal from the University. (Does not apply to “Dropping Individual Classes.”) This Refund Policy applies to tuition only. Any institutional loans or grants will be pro-rated along with the charges as seen below. Institutional Money should not exceed charges at the time of the withdrawal. A refund is not warranted if the credit is caused by any amount of institutional money within that semester. Fees will not be refunded.

Medical Withdrawal

HSU cares deeply about the physical and mental health of its students; therefore, health and counseling services are available on campus. See the HSU Student Handbook for policies for medical withdrawals. If the University approves a Medical Withdrawal after the 8th day of classes, the student will receive W grades on the academic transcript.

Refund of all institutional charges are given according to the following schedule. Days indicated are class days.

1-4 Week Course Term

Tuition refund requested on the first day of assigned term is 100%, with no refund thereafter.

5-8 Week Course Term

First and second day 100%
Third day 90%
Fourth and fifth day 80%
Sixth and seventh day 70%

9-16 Week Course Term

First and second day 100%
Third through eighth day 90%
Ninth through sixteenth day 70%
Seventeenth through twenty-fourth day 50%

No tuition is refunded for individual courses dropped after the eighth day of class. If a student is only taking one class, that would be considered withdrawing and the refund policy above would apply.

The Following Schedules are Required by the Federal Government

Students receiving Title IV* financial aid AND returning to HSU

Refund of all institutional charges according to the following schedule:

First class day 100%
Through eighth day 90%
Through nineteenth day 50%


The University Bookstore supplies the needs of the students for all academic materials. In addition to textbooks and school supplies, the store also offers many convenience and personal needs items and souvenirs. Credit terms for students are available for academic items only. A student's account must be paid-in-full before a credit refund will be issued by the University. All other sales must be cash, VISA, or MasterCard. The HSU Bookstore has on-line capability at