Academic Warning, Probation, and Dismissal
A student will be placed on Academic Warning if the semester grade point average falls below 2.0 but the cumulative GPA remains above 2.0.
If, at the end of a semester, a student’s cumulative grade point average is below 2.0, the student will be placed on Academic Probation for the following semester, which will be recorded on the permanent record. After one semester on Academic Probation without noticeable improvement, the student may be subject to Dismissal from the University. The academic dismissal will be recorded on the student’s permanent record. Probationary status initiated in any semester will continue through the end of the following semester of regular enrollment. Summer grades will not affect probationary status for the Fall.
Any instance in which a student’s cumulative GPA drops below 2.0 for a third semester (for example: the student has already been placed on probation twice) will make the student subject to immediate dismissal. In addition, exceptionally poor academic performance in any given semester may be grounds for immediate dismissal, without the semester of Probation status. Dismissals for inadequate academic performance for first-year students will normally take place in May, after completion of the Spring semester. All actions of dismissal will be taken at the discretion of the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standards and the Vice President of Academic Affairs.
A student who is dismissed from the University may be eligible to apply for re-admission to Franklin University after satisfactorily completing one or two semesters (12-30 credits) at another regionally accredited institution. The number of semesters required is specified in the student’s letter of dismissal