RAD 140 Principles of Radiographic Imaging I

This course provides the student with an overview of radiographic principles that include radiographic physics, x-ray production, interactions with matter and scatter radiation control relative to basic imaging.




Prerequisite: RAD 105

See Course Syllabus

Course Number and Title:

RAD 140 Principles of Radiographic Imaging I

Campus Location

  • Georgetown
  • Wilmington


Prerequisite: RAD 105

Course Credits and Hours

3 credit(s)

3 lecture hours/week

0 lab hours/week

Course Description

This course provides the student with an overview of radiographic principles that include radiographic physics, x-ray production, interactions with matter and scatter radiation control relative to basic imaging.

Additional Materials

Radiologic Technology Student Handbook Separate instructor handouts and assignments

Required Text(s)

Obtain current textbook information by viewing the campus bookstore - https://www.dtcc.edu/bookstores online or visit a campus bookstore. Check your course schedule for the course number and section.


In order to achieve the maximum benefit from this course of instruction, the student is responsible for attending scheduled classes, completing all readings and instructor assignments, and actively participating in class discussion and activities. The instructor will announce the schedule for written tests.

Core Course Performance Objectives (CCPOs)

  1. Analyze the fundamental principles of physics as they relate to the radiologic sciences. (CCC 1, 2, 6; PGC 1, 4)
  2. Analyze the production of x-ray for diagnostic purposes. (CCC 1, 2, 6; PGC 1, 4)
  3. Describe the various interactions that occur when x-ray passes through matter. (CCC 1, 2, 6; PGC 1, 4)
  4. Analyze filtration, beam restriction, and grid use requirements in radiographic imaging. (CCC 1, 2, 4, 6; PGC 1, 4)

See Core Curriculum Competencies and Program Graduate Competencies at the end of the syllabus. CCPOs are linked to every competency they develop.

Measurable Performance Objectives (MPOs)

Upon completion of this course, the student will:

  1. Analyze the fundamental principles of physics as they relate to the radiologic sciences.
    1. State the fundamental and derived units of the English and metric systems.
    2. Define and describe the general principles that relate to matter and energy.
    3. Describe Bohr's theory of atomic structure.
    4. Discuss the characteristics and function of a proton, neutron, and electron.
    5. Define the terms relating to atomic nomenclature.
    6. Compare covalent bonding to ionic bonding.
    7. Explain the process of ionization.
    8. Define elements, and describe their characteristics using the periodic table.
    9. Describe the nature of the electromagnet spectrum.
    10. Define and describe wavelength and frequency.
    11. Explain the relation of energy and frequency.
  2. Analyze the production of x-ray for diagnostic purposes.
    1. State the principles of x-ray production.
    2. Compare the production of Bremsstrahlung with the production of characteristic radiation.
    3. Describe the conditions necessary to produce x-radiation.
    4. Describe the structure and function of an x-ray tube.
    5. List the four prime factors milliamperage (mA), exposure time, kilovoltage potential (kVp), and source-to-image distance (SID) of technique, and describe their effect on the x-ray beam and on the radiographic image.
  3. Describe the various interactions that occur when x-ray passes through matter.
    1. Discuss the five basic ways that x-rays interact with matter and their importance in diagnostic radiology.
    2. Describe differential absorption.
    3. List factors which determine absorption or attenuation of x-rays.
    4. Define and describe secondary and scatter radiation.
    5. Describe the effects of kVp on x-ray attenuation and interactions with matter.
  4. Analyze filtration, beam restriction, and grid use requirements in radiographic imaging.
    1. Define beam filtration.
    2. Explain purpose of beam filtration in terms of patient dosage, scattered radiation production, image receptor exposure, and contrast.
    3. List the types of beam limiting devices and describe the operation and applications for each.
    4. Explain purposes of beam limiting devices in terms of patient dosage, scattered radiation production, image receptor exposure, and contrast.
    5. Define scattered/secondary radiation.
    6. Describe interactions of x-rays with matter which produce scattered/secondary radiation.
    7. Analyze relationships of factors affecting scattered/secondary radiation.
    8. Discuss effects of scattered/secondary radiation in terms of patient dosage, image quality, and occupational exposure.
    9. Describe a grid in terms of its purpose, components, and construction.
    10. Differentiate among types of grids.
    11. Analyze grid efficiency in terms of grid ratio and frequency.
    12. Select an appropriate grid, given technical information.
    13. Define and describe factors influencing grid cut off.

Evaluation Criteria/Policies

The grade will be determined using the Delaware Tech grading system:

90-100 = A
80-89 = B
70-79 = C
0-69 = F
Students should refer to the Catalog/Student Handbook for information on the Academic Standing Policy, the Academic Integrity Policy, Student Rights and Responsibilities, and other policies relevant to their academic progress.

Final Course Grade

Calculated using the following weighted average

Evaluation Measure

Percentage of final grade



Quizzes / Assignments (formative)




Program Graduate Competencies (PGCs are the competencies every graduate will develop specific to his or her major)

  1. Demonstrate clinical competence by performing a full range of radiologic procedures on all patient populations.
  2. Professionally utilize verbal, nonverbal and written communication in patient care intervention and professional relationships.
  3. Demonstrate professional growth and development by practicing the profession's code of ethics and comply with the profession's scope of practice.
  4. Demonstrate critical thinking and problem solving skills in the performance of radiographic procedures.

Core Curriculum Competencies (CCCs are the competencies every graduate will develop)

  1. Apply clear and effective communication skills.
  2. Use critical thinking to solve problems.
  3. Collaborate to achieve a common goal.
  4. Demonstrate professional and ethical conduct.
  5. Use information literacy for effective vocational and/or academic research.
  6. Apply quantitative reasoning and/or scientific inquiry to solve practical problems.

Students in Need of Accommodations Due to a Disability

We value all individuals and provide an inclusive environment that fosters equity and student success. The College is committed to providing reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Students are encouraged to schedule an appointment with the campus Disabilities Support Counselor to request an accommodation needed due to a disability. The College's policy on accommodations for persons with disabilities can be found in the College's Guide to Requesting Academic Accommodations and/or Auxiliary Aids Students may also access the Guide and contact information for Disabilities Support Counselors through the Student Resources web page under Disabilities Support Services, or visit the campus Advising Center.

Minimum Technology Requirements

Minimum technology requirements for online, hybrid, video conferencing and web conferencing courses.