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> Veterans and Service Members Enrollment Guidelines
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Veterans and Service Members Enrollment Guidelines
Veterans, service members, and eligible dependents must be enrolled in an eligible program at the College prior to any certification to the Veterans Affairs (VA) for education benefits. Eligible programs are those approved for VA education benefits by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
Students should discuss their enrollment status with the veterans and service members counselor. Full-time enrollment requirements to receive 100% of the educational benefit are below. Anything less will result in lesser/no payments to students.
Fall/Spring Semesters: 12 credits that run the entire 15 weeks of the semester
Summer Semester: 7 credits that run the entire 10 weeks of the semester
Students are responsible for understanding the eligibility requirements for VA education benefits. Only courses
by the student’s major can be certified. Courses can be taken on any campus, as long as they are required by the major Student will be held financially responsible for all non-required courses tuition and fees.
The VA does not cover listener/auditor status courses.
The VA will fund a failed grade in program of study.
Students who receive a Satisfactory grade ("S") will be paid for the course during the first term of enrollment only
Students must take copy of schedule to the veterans and service members counselor located on their campus to ensure it is certified.
the schedule is adjusted during the semester, the student is responsible for making sure the veterans and service members counselor receives a copy of the new schedule, including courses cancelled by the campus.
Veterans who are entitled to educational benefits under chapter 31, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment, or chapter 33, Post -9/11 Bill benefits, are permitted to register for and attend in courses during the period beginning on the date on which the veteran provides their certificate of eligibility or Statement of Benefits and ending on the earlier of these dates:
The date on which payment from VA is made to the College
90 days after the date the College certified tuition and fees following the receipt of the certificate of eligibility.
Veterans entitled to chapter 31 or 33 benefits will not accrue any penalties or fees while the College awaits VA benefit payment. These veterans will also not be denied access to classes, student resources nor be required to borrow additional funds to cover College tuition and fees due to pending VA benefit funding.
At the end of each semester, instructors report all students who are to be unofficially withdrawn due to nonattendance. The student’s certification for benefits will be updated with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. The student is responsible for any and all changes in education benefits.
Veterans receiving educational benefits through Veteran Affairs may also be eligible for federal financial aid not administered by Veteran Affairs. More information regarding this financial aid can be found on the College’s financial aid and scholarships webpage.