Guide to Requesting Academic Accommodations and/or Auxiliary Aids

Getting Started

Delaware Technical Community College is committed to providing reasonable academic adjustments for students with disabilities which may include auxiliary aids and/or accommodations that do not alter a fundamental requirement of our academic programs. Since every disability manifests itself differently in each individual, every attempt will be made to tailor all academic adjustments to meet individual needs. Students with disabilities who wish to request academic adjustments must see the campus ADA contact. The campus ADA contact will evaluate the request and engage in an interactive process to determine what, if any, academic adjustments are warranted. Students seeking academic adjustments must request the same at least 4 weeks prior to the start of each semester for which academic adjustments are sought. Academic adjustments requested by students who fail to follow these procedures may be denied or may not be available prior to the start of classes.

Campus ADA Contacts

The following individuals are the ADA contacts for their respective campuses. They will assist you in fulfilling the requirements to obtain reasonable and necessary academic adjustments.


Matthew Zink

(302) 857-1349


Shannon Wright

(302) 259-6049


Heather M. Statler

(302) 454-3927


Stephanie Spadaccini

(302) 434-5553


Students should provide the campus ADA contact with documentation of their disability. This information may include diagnosis of disability, functional limitations, psycho-education testing results, most recent IEP (if available), and any other information that may provide insight, clarification or support of the student’s condition and how that may impact the student’s ability to perform in an academic setting. Since many types of disability remain unchanged over the course of a student’s lifetime, information may be accepted in cases where the campus ADA contact determines in his or her sole discretion that a meaningful interactive process can occur and reasonable adjustments can be approved. In some instances, discussion between the student and the campus ADA contact may be sufficient to determine the appropriate assistance. In other situations, a professional evaluation will be necessary to enable the campus ADA contact to understand how the disability impacts the student’s ability to function in a college setting. If documentation is necessary, the student must sign a release authorizing the information to be given to the campus ADA contact. Providing this documentation is the obligation of the student, at the student’s sole expense.

The student and the campus ADA contact (together with such other parties as may be designated by the Campus ADA Contact) will discuss which academic adjustments are appropriate for the student’s individual situation and coursework.


The ADA campus contact will maintain appropriate confidentiality of records or communication, except when disclosure is authorized by the student or by law.

Examples of Academic Adjustments Provided by The College

In providing academic adjustments, we do not lower or effect substantial modifications to essential technology requirements nor do we make modifications that would fundamentally alter the nature of a program.

Examples of the types of academic adjustments which may be provided are as follows:

Accessible Furniture: Providing classroom furniture, which is most appropriate for the student in light of their disability.

Assistive Listening Device: An amplification system designed to help the student hear better by minimizing background sounds and amplifying desired sound.

Clear View/Lip-Reading: The process of viewing the speaker’s lips to facilitate communication (requires unobstructed view of the speaker).

Course Reductions which do not fundamentally alter the nature of the program: Students may elect to attend on a part-time basis. Part-time study may impact the length of time to complete program requirements and/or financial aid.

Course Substitutions will be considered so long as the modification does not fundamentally alter the nature of a program.

Early Access to Course Syllabus: Providing the student with a course syllabus prior to the beginning of the term. A student who needs class material in alternate format or who requires additional time to complete reading or writing assignments will benefit from having early access to course requirements. Early access to the course syllabus allows the accommodation process to begin early and reduces chances of delays in services.

Large Print Handouts: Enlarging written material on standard photocopier or word processor to facilitate reading for a student with various processing or sensory impairments.

Note taker/Scribe: Individual assigned to assist a student by recording class lecture notes of instructor’s spoken words. The scribe may also assist student to record in-class assignments.

Priority Seating: Allowing the student to choose the class seating arrangement which is most appropriate in light of the disability.

Sign Language Interpreter(s): A person who translates spoken English into American Sign Language (ASL) and vice versa for students with significant hearing loss or deafness. A student using an Interpreter should be allowed to choose classroom seating which is most appropriate for that student’s particular need. The college will provide the interpreter; it is not reasonable to expect the College will pay for an interpreter you have used before or currently use on a daily basis.

Tape Recording/Transcribing Lectures: Recording spoken material presented in the classroom using a tape recorder.

Visual Media: Using graphics or other visual methods, such as PowerPoint slides or handouts, to supplement class lecture and spoken information.

The following is a list of testing adjustments which may be made, depending upon the course and the needs of the student:

Alternative Test Design: Changing test format or design to allow the student to demonstrate mastery of course material while minimizing the interference of their disability. For example, one might use a multiple-choice design instead of an essay design.

Alternative Test Location: The student is assigned to take an exam in a mutually agreeable location. Arranged and coordinated by the ADA campus contact.

Computer Usage: Use of a personal computer during testing allowing the student to use a spellchecker, word processing capabilities, or special assistive software required for their specific disability needs.

Distraction – Free Environment: An environment free from noise and other distractions (classroom activities, phones, loud talking, operating machinery) that might interfere with the testing process.

Electronic Speller/Dictionary: An electronic speller is a portable device, which assists the student in spelling correctly.

Extended Time: Additional time given to complete a test. Length of extension varies according to the student’s needs and documented disability. The standard time extension is “time and a half.”

Individual Test Proctor: Individual assigned to personally administer a test to the student.

Large Print Test: Enlarging tests to provide the student with visual access to the test.

Oral Test: Administering test orally to the student and allowing the student to provide oral responses.

Reader: Individual assigned to read test directions and/or test questions to the student with a disability.

Scribe: Individual assigned to record test responses of the student with a disability but who does not offer assistance with content of test responses.

Sign Language Interpreter(s): A person who translates directions and/or information given during test administration from English into American Sign Language (ASL). It may also include allowing the student to ask questions for further clarification using his/her ASL interpreter during test questions.

Test on Tape: Tape recording test questions so the students can listen to the questions. This might include allowing the student to tape record the answers.

Voice Calculator: A calculator that provides voice output of mathematical data and mathematical processes.

Examples of Requests Which are Not Reasonable

The following is a list of services that the college will not provide. This is not an exhaustive list, but rather provides examples of unreasonable requests. The ADA campus contact may be able to provide community referrals to these services, if appropriate.

  1. Providing personal attendants (aides)
  2. Feeding students
  3. Administering and storing of medications
  4. Assisting with personal hygiene (catheter bags, etc.)
  5. Writing and proofreading papers
  6. Tutoring (will be referred to campus tutorial support)
  7. Psychological counseling
  8. Storage of medical supplies and equipment (oxygen tanks, wheelchairs, etc.)
  9. Diagnosis of disability condition
  10. Providing care for service animals

Communication with Faculty

The ADA campus contact will send notification to faculty and campus offices of the academic adjustments that will be provided. Students are encouraged to discuss their academic adjustment (s) with their instructors; however, students are NOT obligated to self-disclose the nature of their disability to the instructors. Students are responsible for communicating the effectiveness of the academic adjustment(s) with the instructors and the campus ADA contacts.

Grievance Procedure

If a student is not satisfied with the academic adjustment(s) that, after discussion with all parties, has been determined to be appropriate by the campus ADA contact, then s/he may use the following grievance procedure.

Students who are unsatisfied with the academic adjustments approved by the campus ADA contact or otherwise feel they have been the subject of discrimination on the basis of disability shall state their concerns in writing to the appropriate Dean of Student Affairs. The inquiry shall be made as soon as reasonably possible after the action occurs but in no case later than 10 working days after such occurrence. The time for filing a grievance can be waived for good cause at the discretion of the Dean of Student Affairs.

The Dean of Student Affairs, or designee, shall conduct a thorough investigation of the grievance, affording all interested persons and their representatives an opportunity to submit relevant information. The Dean of Student Affairs shall consult with the College’s Civil Rights Coordinator, or designee, and shall issue a written response, with a description of the resolution, if any, to the grievant and other appropriate persons within 15 working days of receipt of the complaint.

The decision of the Dean of Student Affairs shall be final.

Nothing in this procedure prevents any individual who believes he or she may have been discriminated against from pursuing any and all legal remedies.

Returning Students

Accommodation(s) plans are NOT carried over from semester to semester. A new request for academic adjustments must be made for each semester that adjustments are desired. Once a request is made, students must allow the campus ADA contact up to four weeks to facilitate appropriate academic adjustments.