Student Identity Verification Policy

City University of Seattle complies with the United States Federal Higher Education Opportunities Act mandate by requiring a secure login and password, requiring proctored exams where necessary, and utilizing course and curriculum design strategies that emphasize student-to-instructor interactions and project based assessments to minimize the possibility of academic dishonesty.

Every student is given a unique student ID, which is used by the student, along with date of birth, to create a unique and secure login and pass code. The secure login and pass code are used to access all CityU’s student systems, including the learning management system through which distance courses are delivered. CityU’s Information Technology Resource Code of Conduct for students states that users are accountable for all activities carried out under their account and are therefore not to divulge their account information to anyone unless approved by CityU management. Furthermore, CityU’s Scholastic Honesty Policy requires work submitted by students in any course to be their own. Instructional strategies and technology, such as SafeAssign, are used to identify student work of questionable integrity for review by the Scholastic Honesty Committee.

In addition to the secure login and pass code, some programs or courses may require students to complete a proctored assessment. The university provides proctoring services at no cost to the students who elect to complete proctored exams at City University of Seattle sites. Student identity is confirmed at the time of the exam via photo identification. Students may use an alternate proctor, upon approval, at their own expense.

The institution recognizes that technology and personal accountability are not absolute in determining a student’s identity. CityU courses are designed with activities and assessments that support academic integrity. Faculty are encouraged to monitor student behavior for sudden shifts in academic performance or changes to writing style or language used in communications as these may indicate integrity problems.

Students will be notified in writing at the time of registration or enrollment of any additional current and/or projected costs associated with the university’s identity verification and proctored assessment process.

Personally identifiable information collected by the university may be used as the basis for identity verification. However, all methods of verifying student identity protect the privacy of the student information in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and any other applicable laws or regulations regarding the confidentiality of personally identifiable information.

The evolution of identity verification technologies will be monitored by CityU’s Academic Integrity Board and this Policy will be reviewed annually. Recommendations for improvements to CityU’s method for student identity verification will be made and approved by the Academic Affairs Council.