Admission Requirements Specific to Graduate Programs in the School of Applied Leadership (SAL)

School of Applied Leadership -Additional admission requirements


Graduate Certificate: Executive Leadership Superintendent Certificate

  1. A master degree or higher with a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher
  2. A hard copy front and back of a valid state license of certification in one or more of the following areas:
  • Educational Staff Associate
  • Teaching
  • Program Administrator
  • Principal
  • Other License or certification from another state or licensing association.
  1. Possess three to five (3-5) years of successful experience as an administrator (school, business, government, military, or other profession).
  2. Provide three (3) references with name, position/title, school/ district/organization, email address and daytime phone numbers for the following:
  • Current supervisor
  • District or executive level administrator
  • Personal reference
  1. Provide responses to the 9 questions listed on the “Educational Leadership Program: Executive Leadership Writing Assessment” form.

Master of Education-Educational Leadership Administrator/Graduate Certificate Educational Leadership Administrator

  1. Must have masters or doctoral degree with cumulative GPA of 3.0 or a Bachelor degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.75;
  2. A hard copy front and back of a valid teaching or ESA certification;
  3. Completed “Verification of Prerequisite Teaching or ESA Experience” form;
  4. Provide a resume outlining professional history and education;
  5. Provide responses to the 9 questions listed on the “Educational Leadership Program: Writing Assessment” form.
  6. Provide three (3) references with name, position/title, school/ district/organization, email address and daytime phone numbers for the following:
  • Current supervisor (administrator who will serve as your mentor)
  • District or executive level administrator
  • Personal reference


Master of Education in Leadership

Students entering the one of the above listed Master of Education degrees must have a bachelor degree with a cumulative GPA of 2.750 or higher for program admission.  


Doctor of Education in Leadership

Students entering one of City University of Seattle’s Doctoral programs must meet the following admissions criteria:

  1. Hold a master’s degree from an accredited or otherwise recognized institution, with a masters degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.000 or higher. 
  2. Provide a resume/C.V. that demonstrates two or more years in a leadership capacity.
  3. Provide three references with name, title, email, and phone contact information for professional, academic, or other associates who can attest to the student’s ability to be successful in a doctoral program. One reference must be a current supervisor. 

    For applicants to the Principal, Superintendent, and Program Administrator certification programs, a second reference must be an Executive/District Administrator.
  4. Submit responses to the Admissions Statement Questions.
  5. Provide proof of English proficiency according to established University policy.
  6. Complete an interview with a member of the program faculty. Note: Students will be contacted to schedule an interview once all of the application materials have been submitted.

Upon inquiry to the program, the advisor and program faculty will work with the student to facilitate the process of collecting the required information for the application.


Other Graduate Certificate programs

Professional certification programs not listed above may require additional documentation or academic credentials.  


Exceptions to this policy may be made by the school dean.