Y (Temporary Status Indicator for Courses that Require Extra Time to Complete)

Certain courses are designed to extend beyond one term, or in rare instances are permitted to do so. In such cases a Y is posted for each term in which the course is ongoing. A Y grade may stay in effect for up to three additional terms after the initial enrollment term, as determined when the Y grade is submitted. The Y defaults to 0.0 or NP, however, if the final grade is not posted.

A student may not subsequently withdraw (grade of W) from a course that has a Y grade posted. Y grades are assigned when students demonstrate successful progress in the course, and are requesting additional time to complete the coursework. If the student is unable to complete the coursework of a Y graded course, the instructor will assign the earned grade based on coursework completed. The Y grade holds no GPA value, and once converted, can only convert into a numerical grade (0.00-4.0) or P/NP.