Admission Requirements Specific to Graduate Programs in the Albright School of Education (ASOE)

Additional Admission Requirements Specific to Graduate degree/programs in the Albright School of Education

Every applicant to the Master in Education (M.Ed.) and Master in Teaching (MIT) degree programs is required to hold a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited institution ( for the U.S.) or an institution recognized by the Ministry of Education (internationally). Applicants holding a bachelor’s degree of less than four years or who claim other exceptions to this policy may request special acceptance from the school dean. Please see the policy on special admission to graduate programs for students holding less than approved bachelor’s degrees.

Admission for all Master in Teaching/Master of Education programs in ASOE:

Student must have earned a bachelor degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75 or a masters or doctoral degree with a cumulative GPA of 3.0. 

Admissions Requirements for the Master in Teaching (MIT) Degree Program

Additional content specific admissions requirements are located in the Master in Teaching Admissions Packet which may be obtained via Admissions or the Master in Teaching program.

  1. Every applicant to the Master in Teaching (MIT) degree programs and to graduate certificate programs is required to hold a bachelor’s degree with a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.75. In addition, applicants must complete an interview with administrative faculty and must submit the following:

    1. Completion of all required credential tests as established by the Washington State Professional Educator Standards Board.
    2. Passing scores on Washington State NES 102 and 103 tests.
    3. CV/Resume
    4. Three references

Admissions Requirements for Certificate Program for Master in Teaching (MIT) Alternative Routes (see additional information below)

  1. Bachelor of Arts degree or higher in high needs area
  2. Must meet criteria established by the Washington Educator Standards Board (PESB) for admission to the program.
  3. Passing scores on the Washington Educators Skills Test (WEST-E) or National Evaluation Series (NES) in the high needs content area(s), i.e., Special Education, English Language Learners, Middle Level Mathematics, Mathematics.
  4. Passing scores on each section of the Washington Educators Skills Test-Basic (WEST –B) or passing ACT/SAT sub- scores for Math, Reading and Writing, and National Evaluation Series (NES) exams #102 and #103 for dual endorsements including Elementary Education.
  5. Eighty hours documented, supervised experience working with children and/or adolescents
  6. Applicant must not have teaching certification from any state.

Admission Requirements for the Master in Education/Master of Education Curriculum and Instruction

Master of Education degrees may require additional documentation of Professional certification programs or academic credentials. Exceptions to these policies may be made by the dean.

Alternative Routes (may be connected to a degree/or non degree seeking) -Graduate-level

Applicants to one of the Alternative Route programs must also meet the criteria above for the MIT or MED and following criteria for a Route listed below:

Applicants to one of the Alternative Route programs must also meet the following criteria:

  1. Completion of each section of the Washington Educators Skills Test - Basic (WEST-B) or passing State-approved test for Math, Reading, and Writing
  2. Documentation of 80 hours of supervised work with children
  3. Route specific requirements as follows:
  • Route 2: District or building validation of qualifications, including one year of student interaction and leadership.
  • Routes 3 and 4: External validation of qualifications, including demonstrated experience with students or children, such as reference letters and letters of support from previous employers.

Note: Applicants for alternative route programs who are eligible veterans or National Guard members and who meet the entry requirements for the alternative route program for which application is made shall be given preference in admission.

Route 1:  

A transferable associate degree, or associate degree, or associate of applied science, or ninety quarter credits or the equivalent in semester credits from an accredited institution of higher education;

District or building validation of qualifications, including one year of student interaction and leadership.

Route 2:

A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education;

District or building validation of qualifications, including one year of student interaction and leadership.

Routes 3 and 4:

A baccalaureate degree from an accredited institution of higher education; and

External validation of qualifications, including demonstrated experience with students or children, such as reference letters and letters of support from previous employers.

Note: Applicants for alternative route programs who are eligible veterans or National Guard members and who meet the entry requirements for the alternative route program for which application is made shall be given preference inGraduate Certificates

Professional certification programs may require additional documentation or academic credentials. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the school dean.