General Studies, Associate of Science

General Studies students earn degrees by studying a broad, interdisciplinary series of courses rather than a defined departmental curriculum. The design of the general studies degree programs allows students to assemble their own interdisciplinary academic program, which may be narrowly focused or contain a wide spectrum of curricular elements. The curriculum is designed to provide maximum flexibility and meet the particular educational objectives of each student. These degrees give a unique opportunity to develop a multi-disciplinary and carefully focused course of study, which fulfills traditional university requirements while meeting each student’s specific goals for a college degree.

The Associate of Science in General Studies is a flexible, two-year program that introduces students to a given field and prepares them for entry-level positions or seamless continuation to a Bachelor’s degree program at City University of Seattle. No prior post-secondary study is necessary to enroll in the program, and it is wholly compatible with, and transferable to, further undergraduate study at City University of Seattle and elsewhere.

A substantial exposure to general education is required. Students with prior college credits or formal non-collegiate training are provided the opportunity to transfer up to 65 lower-division credits.

The Associate of Science in General Studies will prepare students to:

  • Connect academic learning with professional experience to expand professional identity and broaden perspectives of various disciplines.
  • Collaborate with others to develop, organize, and communicate concise, logical, and consistent messages.
  • Apply principles of critical thinking to identify, categorize, and analyze issues to develop sound and logical conclusions.
  • Identify and integrate ethical issues, based on individual and organizational values and apply principles in decision-making.
  • Synthesize diverse perspectives within a global context to develop an appreciation for and explain differences in behaviors and practices of individuals, organizations, and communities.
  • Demonstrate the ability to reflect on new learning, insights and changed perspectives to further develop knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Total Required Credits (90 Credits)*

General Education (30 Credits)

College Composition


College Mathematics***




Social Sciences


Natural Science/Math




Program Courses (55 Credits)

Courses are selected by the student (in consultation with their advisor) or may be transferred into the program.

Capstone Course (5 Credits)

GS 295Associate Degree Capstone


*A minimum of 25 credits must be taken from City University of Seattle, other credits may be transferred into the program.

**Choose from one of the General Education disciplines listed above.

***This program requires MATH 107 (Mathematical Reasoning and its Applications) or higher.

General Studies: Military Only, Associate of Science

Requirements are the same as the A.S. General Studies Degree, however of the 90 credits needed for the degree, only 5 credits (GS 295) must be taken from City University of Seattle. CityU of Seattle accepts credits for military education and training and follows the recommendations of the ACE guide. Check with your advisor for details.

Capstone Course (5 Credits)

GS 295Associate Degree Capstone


*** This program requires MATH 107 (Mathematical Reasoning and its Applications) or higher.