ECI 630 Method and Design Using National Board Standards

In this course candidates demonstrate leadership skills to advocate for education for all students. This course focuses on candidates deepening their understanding of National Board Standards and how they apply to classroom teaching, and will look at differentiating strategies and units that positively impact student learning by using classroom based evidence and content knowledge evidence in their writing. Through evaluating each of the standards, candidates will identify points of success and areas of needed improvement to evaluate progression of student learning to inform teaching practice. Furthermore, candidates will examine and compare the scoring guides to the standards and align the two with documented examples including areas that demonstrate accomplished teaching to the rubrics in the scoring guide. This course breaks down the steps and outlines the requirements/methods set by National Board to set up candidates for a successful start to the process. Finally, through the use of an online cohort, participants expect to receive a sense of community, collaboration time, multiple opportunities for feedback from like and unlike certificate areas and are more likely to achieve certification. Spreadsheets, organizers, useful resources and feedback from a trained facilitator is included in all courses. Course Entry Requirement: By Program Approval
