Class Attendance

Every student is expected to attend classroom and laboratory periods regularly. All students are expected to attend class beginning with the first class meeting. CBU has no official Leave of Absence policy. A student who has been absent, even for a legitimate cause, is under obligation to make up the work by special assignment to the satisfaction of the instructor. Any student who has missed a total of eight (8) hours or approximately 20% of class time may be given a grade of “FA” indicating excessive absences. No faculty member is allowed to have an attendance policy which penalizes a student for absences due solely to participation in an official University sponsored activity including athletic competition which requires limited or occasional absences; however, the student must satisfy all academic work required for the course. Whenever possible, students should inform their instructors if they know they will be absent from an upcoming class session.


Students that have a record of non-attendance as recorded by their instructor are at risk of being administratively withdrawn from that course. Being identified as non-attending and administratively withdrawn from a course (or courses) may have an adverse impact on certain types of financial assistance.