Required Loan Exit Counseling For Graduating Students

Loan History

It's important to know which loans you have taken before you begin repayment. Log in to to look at your financial aid information and the loans that you have borrowed during your academic career. You may also see the current servicers of your federal loans by clicking on "Financial Aid Review".

Required Exit Counseling

  • Exit counseling is for your Direct Loans (if you had a Perkins Loan you will receive separate information to complete that requirement). It will give you information about your loan conditions and repayment terms.
  • Exit counseling is required before graduation or anytime you fall below half time enrollment status.
  • Exit counseling must be completed in order to receive your diploma or official CBU transcripts.
  • This online exit counseling session has been created to make sure that you understand your rights and responsibilities as a borrower.
  • The online exit counseling session will take approximately 30 minutes to complete.

Log in at to start the process.